Losing Him

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      Nine had Connor in cuffs and walked into the Cyberlife, he guided him gently to the elevator. He hacked the security camera with a look.

"Sub level 49." He said simply, the elevator moved down to the bottom level. Nine removed the cuffs off of Connor. "I hope they weren't too tight on you." He said throwing them to the side.

"No, don't worry too much. Let's just hurry up and get to Markus." Connor replied simply. They walked into the room, androids filled the room and the many connected rooms. Connor walked up to one of the androids and began to wake him up.

"Move and he gets it." Connor turned shocked to see himself holding a gun to Hank's head.

"Hank!" Connor moves away from the android. He saw in the corner of his eye to see Nine gets into a defensive stance against the other him. He began to move closer to his brother. "Don't hurt him, please."

"I won't unless I have to Connor!" His double called back in anger. Connor looked to Nine unsure of what to do. His brother at a lost as well. "Move away from the android, so I can deactivate you and RK900." The android demanded.

"No, Connor do what you have to do. You guys deserve freedom." Hank called back to them. Connor looked so conflicted on what to do. Nine then darted at the double, taking a shot to the chest, while the double head was destroyed.

"Nine!" Connor ran up to his little brother as he fell to the floor. Hank right beside them. "No....no." Tears boiled over as they streamed down Connor's cheeks.

"You're crying...?" Nine's voice was glitching as he spoke.

"Of course! Y-you're my brother Nine!" The android hugged the other tightly.

"I hope I see you again....brother." Nine then fell into a shut down.

"Please, no! Don't go Nine! Don't go." Connor begged the other, but got no response from the other.

"Connor....I-i." Hank just felt the android wrap his arms around him. The man just let him cry on his shoulder. He let go wiping his tears, and went to an android. He gripped the android tightly.

"Wake up!" Connor said, then turned back to Hank. His eyes puffy and red, Hank just pulled him back into his embrace.

Connor became a pillar of the revelation with Simon, North, and Josh. With Markus as the figurehead. Hank couldn't honestly be more proud of his boyfriend. Telling Gavin about Nine was hard.

"What happened to him!?" Gavin grabbed Connor by his shoulder shaking him. Connor swallowed hard, his fake adam's apple going down than up.

"Gavin....Nine." He already knew what had happened. He only punched the nearest wall, scaring the android. "He can be fixed." Connor blurted out to him. Gavin stopped in his tracks, turning back to him.

"What....what did you say?" He asked, his anger becoming lessened.

"Nine is with Kamski, he'll repair him." Connor explained, then sighed. "The only problem is that it's going to take awhile." Gavin sighed loudly.

"I can wait, I can wait."

(So yeah, the next chapter will be the last. Also, just started Highschool so i'm sorry if this took forever. It honestly felt like it, I was having some writers block for this chapter. )

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