Know Thy Enemy

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      RK900 didn't partially like Detective Reed, still he had to work with the man. The only problem was that Reed didn't exactly like him or androids. The only way RK900 was able to get him to work with him was a promise of punching Connor before deactivating him. So they we're exactly as strong partnership.

"Detective Reed." RK900 got the man's attention.

"The hell do you want?" The android just rolled his eyes.

"We have somewhere we need to be, someone reported hearing the words RK800." RK900 explained to the man.

"So we have to fucking investigate it? Just because someone thought they heard something?" The android only nodded in response. "This is fucking stupid."

"Detective is important they we find it, it knows way too much about Cyberlife. It puts every human in danger. " RK900 explained, Reed just nodded along. He clearly wasn't listening, but RK900 just ignored that. So they headed to the person who gave the reports house.

Reed knocked on the door, it was a ore run down side of town. The man's lawn is over growing, and an construction site close by, RK900 sees a Cyberlife sign standing high above the fence. They were probably building a store or something like that. A man with long hair that went to his neck, a nasty green shirt had opened the door. RK900 had recognized the man, he was attacked by his own android a few days ago. In fact RK800 was sent to find that android.

"I'm detective Reed and this is RK900, where did you heard the model number RK800?" Reed asked rather bored.

"Some girl and a older man were talking about it." The man peaked RK900 interest, it may have been Lieutenant Anderson.

"Could you describe the man." RK900 jumped into the conversation.

"He had long gray hair, and a large black coat. His shirt had white and blue flowers, not like super out there." The man explained to the android. Maybe Lieutenant knew more than he let on.

"Describe the woman he was talking to." RK900 demanded, surprising the man a bit.

"She was a tan and had brown hair. She had a name tag on Dr.Stevens was her last name." RK900 was already busy finding a woman who matched the woman's appercatices.

"Detective Reed I found her, Doctor Ava Stevens." The android was quick to get the man into the car.

"Where the fuck does she work!?" Reed asked, he was already done with the android. He honestly just wanted to get rid of it.

"Dr. Stevens works at a small doctor's office downtown, and detective." Reed huffed a sigh and looked to the android. "Do not interfere with my mission you will regret it." Gavin felt himself sink into the chair, RK900 is the most intimating android Gavin has ever seen in his whole life.

"Just shut shut the fuck up." Gavin's voice waverd a bit with fear. Then he saw a smile on RK900. Sadistic motherfucker, Gavin thought to himself. Fear still sitting with him. As polite as the android could be the fear factor was overwhelming.
They walked into the small office to get greeted by the recptistest. She is human, a little odd given most people used androids.

"Can help you two?" She asked kindly with a smile.

"Yeah i'm detective Reed, this is RK900. We're looking Doctor Ava Stevens." The woman nodded.

"I'll get her for you two, or I could take you to her office." She offered.

"Taking us to her." RK900 cut into the conversation.

"Of course just follow me." The woman stood up and walked into the hall with Gavin and RK900 following behind her. She knocked lightly, and Dr. Stevens answered.

"Ava these two want to talk to you about something. I'll be waiting for other clients." She walked back to her desk.

"Come into my office." Gavin took a seat in front her desk. RK900 stood next the chair. "You can sit in the chair, I don't mind." The android hesitantly took a seat in the second chair. "Now, how can I help you today?" She took a seat at her desk.

"Do you know Lieutenant Hank Anderson personally?" RK900 immediately took the lead.

"I do, he's a close friend. I used to take care of his son when he was too busy. Is everything ok? Did something happen to Hank?" She was clearly worried.

"No, but we have a report of you and Lieutenant Anderson talking about the missing prototype RK800." The android noticed her stress level go up slightly.

"That android was his partner for a bit. I was just curious." She explained, a little too quickly.

"If you tell us where the android is, Lieutenant Anderson can be protected from most legal problems." RK900 lies right through his teeth.

"Alright! Fine. Hank is helping the RK800, I don't know where he just needed something from me. I didn't give it to him, so I don't know where he went from there. Still, I think he's fallen in love with it." Ava added with worry.

"Hank fucking Anderson in love with a plastic. I fucking doubt that." Gavin replied with anger.

"I know it sounds crazy, but the way he talked about that android. I couldn't see as any other way than that." RK900 stood and began to leave.

"Where the hell are you? Nine!" Reed ran out after him, but he was stopped in the hallway. "You okay? Nine?"

"I uh, yes. I've just gotten a report of RK800. We should leave." RK900 was quick to leave. Leaving Gavin alone with thought. 

(RK900 and Gavin will end up together, because I like them. Also why the hell not!? Sorry that this chapter took so long!)

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