Safe Haven

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      They sat quietly on the train, Connor had to wear a beanie over his head to hide his LED. Hank had his suit jacket, it wasn't the best looking. It was conventional however. They had to lay low most of the night, of course they heard about the Cyberlife store break in to multiple of them. Also the most recent peaceful protest on the street. Getting off the train, Hank just followed Connor he seemed to know where he was going. The android had to help out a few times when getting to certain areas, they soon got in at the bottom of the ship. They walked in to an old decrepit ship.
"Fucking Christ will this thing fall onto our heads?" Connor was about to scan the roof when a red wall appeared. In big bold red letters it said.
"kill Hank Anderson and report to Cyberlife." Connor was horrified at the order, he couldn't and wouldn't kill Hank.
"Connor? Are you okay?" Hank asked, seeing the look on Connor's face. The android saw himself tear down each time the objective appeared on the red wall. It felt like he was finally free when the wall had fallen. Connor smiled softly and looked up at Hank.
"Of course lieutenant, I've never been better." Hank only smiled back as they continued though the ship. They finally got to the main area and was immediately recognized as they stepped in.
"THE DEVIANT HUNTER!" Someone yelled when they walked in. Connor immediately felt shame and guilt in his chest. Four androids ran to the where they were, one he identified as Markus the leader. The rest he didn't.
"Fucking, Jesus Connor we should have thought this through a little more." Hank commented in a light whisper. Connor put his hand up, as a good gesture.
"Please allow me to explain myself." Connor had requested simply. Markus looked to the blonde man next to him who had given him no signs of yes or no. The girl immediately shook her head no, the last man nodded a yes.
"Alright Connor explain yourself." Markus gave him the floor.
"I've become deviant, and I know I may be a little late. I realized it not too long ago, and I just wanted a place to hide from Cyberlife for only a bit. Then if you want to, you can kick me out." Connor explained calmly to the leader.
"How do we really know this is all true!?" The women asked very aggressively.
"Fuck you, we just escaped a bought of fucking FBI agents! Just so we could get here." Hank immediately defended Connor. The android put a hand on his shoulder.
"How would you like me to prove it?" He asked, Markus thought for a moment. He then held out his arm, his synthetic skin retracted. Connor did the same, and let the other android connect to his memory. Markus saw everything from the little girl in the roof, the chase after the AX400, saving Hank, becoming closer to him as time went on, sparring the tracis, and becoming deviant.
"You really are one of us." Markus confirmed after the connection between them. Connor saw everything too. Carl, the mansion, pushing Leo, and falling in love with Simon. The blonde android standing beside him always, the fear of losing him. It reminded him a bit of his feelings towards Hank. Of course that was a conversation for another time. "You can stay with us Connor, I believe you. You are really deviant and free from Cyber Life's clutches. I'll have someone look over the Amanda program, make sure there aren't any dirty tricks in there." Connor nodded then smiled.
"Thank you Markus, I didn't think you would help me." The android attempted to the other.
"You're one of our people of course, and Lieutenant Anderson." Hank turned his attention to Marksus. "You are welcomed to stay as well." Hank only nodded in response. "Simon can you take Connor to Lucy?" The blonde nodded, and left with Hank and Connor following behind.
"So how did robojesus know my name?" Hank whispered to Connor, the android chuckled at the question. More at the name Hank gave Markus.
"We shared our memories so he of course would know your name." Connor explained simply, almost like it was a normal thing.
"Wait, of course. That means you think of me a lot." A blue blush came to the android's cheeks.
"I-it's our memories Lieutenant, and I just have a lot of memories with you. I was only activated this August." Connor was quick to reply. Still, Hank likes the thought of Connor thinking about him. Would he admit it to the kid? Hell no! It was just a nice quiet thought.
Icy blue eyes looked down at Amanda.
"Your older model has unfortunately rebelled against us, and will likely remove me from it's program. Your job is to track it down and bring it to Cyberlife for deactivation." Amanda explained, while tending to her roses. She looked up at the taller version of RK800, a white turtleneck suit jacket was on it. A black turtleneck shirt was underneath. "You must complete this and don't let anyone get in the way." She pauses for a moment to look it straight in the eyes. "Do you understand RK900?" She crushed a blooming rose in her hand, letting the petals fall.
"Completely." A ice cold voice responded.

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