A Daring Rescue

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       Markus came up to wrecked vehicle with Simon by his side. They found Hank passed out in the driver's seat.
"Lieutenant Anderson!" Markus called, helping him out of the crushed metal. Simon had brought medical supplies with him, he quickly patched most of his wounds. He soon opened his eyes.
"Connor!" He yelled, sitting up quickly. "They got him! They have Connor!" Hank called trying to stand up. Simon and Markus helped him up.
"Who has Connor?" Markus asked, as he tried to calm the panicking man.
"Cyberlife, they're going to kill him. I have to save him!"  Hank tried to get out the two android's hold.
"There is no way Cyberlife will just let you in, you need a plan. Not to mention Connor's a prototype, he's probably under lots of security." Markus brought up.
"That doesn't matter! I need to help him, he'll die Markus! They will kill Connor!" Hank felt as if he couldn't stress this enough.
"We'll find a way to help, I promise. First we need to form a plan and get you some medical treatment."
Connor woke in the back of a taxi, handcuffed. He looked over to see his upgraded self. He then remembered what happened to Hank, thoughts began running around his head.
"Hank!? What happened to him!?" Connor immediately yelled.
"Jesus Christ shut the fuck up!" Tears began to well in Connor's eyes.
"What happened to him?" Connor asked again, his throat thick with saliva.
"Lieutenant Anderson is most probably dead." RK900 said simply with no emotion. Connor's eyes widened, as the tears began to overwhelm him. Finally, he broke down into tears.
"No...Hank." Connor cried, Gavin for some reason began to feel bad for Connor. He then reminded himself that it was just a machine.
"Enough! It not like he meant any fucking thing to you anyway." Gavin shouted at the android.
"I LOVED HIM!" Connor yelled back at the man. "I loved him." He repeated quietly, as he continued to cry. They reached the Cyberlife tower, RK900 roughly guided Connor into the tower. Pushing and shoving him, as Connor had just given up.
After Hank was treated Markus, Josh, North and Simon walked into his tent.
"Well, Lieutenant we've come up with a plan." Josh spoke up. Hank nodded to let him know he was listening.
"We'll have you go in with an android disguised as a guard." North dropped a pile of clothes.
"Okay so who's the android coming with me?" Hank asked confused.
"I'll be going." Simon spoke up. Markus shook his head. "Look I know you don't agree with it but-"
"Of course I don't agree, Simon this is very dangerous. You could die if you go." Markus interjected. He let out a sigh. "I know I can't stop you, just be care and makes sure the three of you come back alive."
RK900 and Gavin took Connor to be deactivated. They stood quietly in the elevator as it headed up to level 34. Connor didn't even want to try and save himself, there was no point Hank is probably dead. They dragged him to a room, where he assumed he would be disassembled.
"Wait here." RK900 ordered Connor, and left him with Gavin.
"Did you have to kill him?" Connor asked Gavin, as he tried to hold back his tears.
"Like it matters, he was going to die from alcohol poisoning." The android shook his head the artificial tears coming down his cheeks.
"You don't know that.... you didn't know him." Connor shakily replied.
"Like hell you did, you're just a fucking android! You don't have any emotions!" Gavin repeated himself.
"Is that how you feel about RK900?" He asked, the man shook his head.
"Don't you fucking talk about him! It's not important how I feel about him." Gavin retorted.
"You said he, you like him. Don't you detective Reed?" Gavin looked away from Connor guilty. A guard walked into the room with another android that Connor realized was Simon.
"Hey dipshit, an android is already being deactivated in this room." Gavin walked up to be face to face with the man, only to be knocked out. He took off his helmet to be a similar blue eyes and gray hair.
"Hank!" Connor ran up and hugged him. Hank wrapped his arms around the android.
"Connor! Thank god you're okay. I was so worried." The android looked up at him with teary eyes. "What!? Connor?"
"I thought you were dead! I thought you died in that car crash!" Hank let him cry in his chest.
"Hank, Connor we need to leave, and fast." Simon interrupted. They started to rush down the hallway. "There's another way out, but we need access to it." Simon said as the entered he elevator. Connor held his fingers against the numbers.
"RK900 sub level 10." Connor's voice became only a bit deeper than it had been. The elevator began to move down slowly. They found a back exit and headed to Jericho.
"Damn it! That asshole is escaping!" Gavin whined loudly, while RK900 was patching him up.
"That's what they think." The android said darkly.
(I'm sorry it's not as edited I usually use a website, and because I moved right now I have no internet. I had to post this though my phone.)

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