Escaped with Our Lives

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"Goddamnit Connor! How the hell are we supposed to hide this?" Hank asked, pulling away from Connor.

"We can't hide this, I have to turn myself into to Cyberlife." The android stated, getting a look of absolute confusion from the older man.

"Connor what will happen if you are turned in?" Hank's voice was soft and had signs of concern.

"I will be decommissioned." Connor tried to keep a brave face, but wavered. The fear was clear on his face. "I'll die."

"Fuck that! Connor there has to be a better solution then that. Maybe I could hide you at my place."

"Lieutenant-" Hank interrupted him.

"You're right that's too fucking obvious and anyone with a brain could figure it out. Shit!" Hank kept listing off ideas of what to do.

"Hank!" Connor had finally gained his attention. "Maybe I should look for rA9." the detective raised an eyebrow.

"Connor we don't even know if rA9 exists." The older man sighed loudly, he rubbed his temple. "The best thing is probably to keep pretending that you're not a deviant, maybe we'll get a clue as to where all these deviants are going. They must have some safe place to hide."

"Well I have no idea what to do...I don't want to die." Hank looked Connor in his big brown eyes. He sighed pulling Connor into a tight embrace. "We'll figure it out. I promise."

When an android face appeared on the TV in the police station, it was a bit of a shock. He seemed to be requesting equal rights, and multiple other things. Connor watched intently, he must've been scanning the android.

"I guess that's where we head to next." Hank commented getting the android's attention. He nodded, and they headed to Hank's car. When they made it to the studio Chris meet them at the elevator. He explained that the FBI had come, and what exactly had happened. Connor noticeably tensioned when the FBI was mentioned. Still they continued to where the speech was shot.

"Oh, Lieutenant this is Agent Perkins." Chris said passingly. The man walked up with a smug smile.

"What's that doing here?" He asked, point to Connor. Hank fought all his urges to put himself between the two to protect Connor.

"I'm Connor." He took a moment before continuing. "The android sent by cyberlife. I was assigned to Lieutenant Anderson to help with all deviant cases." Connor said matter of factly, Hank sighed lightly in relief. He thanked god that Connor could hide his emotions so well. Still, Hank knew the android was scared, there just enough fear in his voice to let him know.

"Soon enough this will be taken over by the FBI." Perkins still had a smug smile all over his face.

"Well we're still gonna take a look." Hank replied calmly.

"Don't fuck up my crime scene." The agent said simply, before leaving.

"Fucking prick." The detective stated to the android so he could only hear, Connor chuckled lightly. Shocking both of them for a second. Hank only gave him a side smile, going to check the crime scene. A blue blush slowly came to the android's face after the man left.

After a bit of investigating, Chris had mentioned something about androids in the kitchen. There was a high probability of one of them being deviant, it would probably be in Connor's best interest to check it out. He walked into the kitchen to see the three identical androids stands in a straight line. One of them knew where Markus is, knows where a safe place is for him. Connor closed his eyes, his LED glowing a yellow.

"Please help me, i'm just like you. I need to find a place to hide, I won't turn you in. I promise, I just want to be safe." Connor opened his eyes, upset with no answer. Then he got an image in his mind, graffiti art in the Ferndale district with a symbol glowing.

"Find Jericho, you'll be safe there." A voice reassured Connor in his head.

"Thank you." The android turned back and gave a smile, he then left the kitchen looking for Hank. He walked up close, whispering in Hank's ear. "We need to leave, fast." There was a bit of urgency in Connor's voice as he spoke. Hank nodded in understanding.

"That seems to be all we can find, we're heading off Chris." Hank waved, as Connor was already making his way to the elevator. Perkins looked at Connor suspicious, the android looked back and made eye contact.

"STOP THAT ANDROID! IT KNOWS SOMETHING!" Perkins called, causing Connor to book it to the elevator with Hank behind him. They dodged gunshots as they finally made it into the elevator. Hank breathing heavy, hands on his knees.

"FUCK!" He cursed with one finally huff, as Connor slid onto the floor. He had his knees to his chest. "You okay Connor?" Hank asked, joining him on the floor of the elevator. He nodded with a sigh.

"I'll be helped at Jericho, that's what the android told me." Hank could sense the doubt on him.

"But?" He only asked.

"What of they don't expect me? What if they think i'm lying? What if-"

"Jesus christ Connor! Shut the fuck up for a second." Hank yelled, then he pulled the android into a hug. Connor's head resting on his chest. "People can change, and I can only hope the androids at Jericho will believe the same thing." The android felt safe in the man's arms, being held tightly. "Where the hell do we even start looking for this Jericho?" Hank finally asked.

"We have to head to the Ferndale district."

(By the way Connor is talking with the android with the telepathy thing androids have, only if that wasn't clear.  I completely forgot they could do that, until I was writing this.)

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