A New Age

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      They all waited quietly.


Kamski walked out of the room, and told them he was ready. Connor was the first to enter, Nine sat up to see his brother. Connor just wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm so sorry Nine! I should've protected you!" Nine only hugged the other android back.

"It was not your fault, I should've been more careful." Nine smiled slightly at his brother. Though it came off awkward, Connor smiled brightly back. Connor then moved next to Hank, to make way for Gavin. "Gavin... I" Nine began, but was interrupted by a hug from the man.

"You are a fucking idiot! Do you fucking know that!?" Gavin's voice came off as angry, but concern filled his voice.

"I care about you too Gavin." Nine simply replied, as he hugged the man back. Gavin buried his face in the android's jacket.

Two Months later...

"Anderson! Connor!" Fowler called them into his office. "You two need to get on the homicide case."

"What is it?" Connor asked, curious to what it was about.

"An android has been left for dead, his lover is fairly upset about. I need you two to handle it." Fowler explained the case, and handed Connor the file.

"Why the hell can't Reed and Nines handled it!?" Hank asked, and got a look from Fowler.

"You really think that Reed and Nines can handle a grieving person." Fowler asked.

"Good point." Hank shot back.

"Alright! Now get going!" Hank and Connor started out to Hank's car.

"The hell you two going!?" Gavin yelled at them both.

"Ignore him." Nines told Connor through his mind. Connor only chuckled and smiled.

"I already was." That got a laugh from Nines.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" Nines just ignored Gavin and kept working. When Hank and Connor got into the repaired old car. Connor grabbed onto Hank's hand, getting a smile from the older man. He gave the android's hand a quick kiss, before driving out of the parking lot. Connor couldn't have been happier then he was in that moment.  

(I loved writing this. Anyways I will be posting another Hank and Connor story, possibly soon. It will be a AU, more will be explained when I post it. I also just wanted to say thank you for reading this story. I really hope you enjoyed this story, I worked very hard on it. I'm so happy that you gave my story a chance.)

Thanks for Reading!!!!

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