Chapter Twelve

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"Connor, it's good to see you." Dr. Robin's voice was gentle as Connor sat down on the couch in front of them. The brunette nodded and silently noted that Dr. Robin was wearing a pin with the hashtag me too right under the one with their pronoun. He already knew it was  an older protest statement that Markus was using for their cause.

"I would just like to apologize for the way I behaved that day. I was scared and didn't want to face my fears." Connor admitted, watching as Dr. robin shook their head at him.

"No need to apologize, Connor. The way you were feeling was completely valid." They assured before letting the detective continue. Connor nodded at them with a grateful smile.

"I'm ready to try again."

And with that, Dr. Robin set up the mats on the floor and they both sat in front of each other with their legs crossed. Connor calmed himself, letting the determination take over and not the fear.

"Clear your mind. Focus on her." Dr. Robin's voice faded out as Connor's word faded into black. The familiar sound of heels made Connor stand tall before she got too close.

Back again, Connor?

The detective neared her silently and it made her stop moving, confusion laced in her beautiful features. Connor towered over her but that time, he wasn't shaking in fear. Instead, he was glowing with his unwavering intent.

You can't get rid of me.

He didn't listen to her. He only placed his hands against her cheeks like she did to him. But instead of bringing her to her knees like she did to him, he wanted to see true pain in those dark orbs. So he simply brought her down with his words.

"You have no affect on me anymore. You're nothing but a whisper of a memory. You are nothing, and that is how I will remember you from now on."

Her eyes widened at that, searching for any kind of fear in Connor's features but there was none, he was stoic as she began to fade.

"Goodbye, Amanda." And with that, she was gone. A weight had been lifted off of his shoulders, something that he hadn't known had been weighing him down so much until it was finally gone.

"Connor, that was amazing to witness. How are you feeling?" Dr. Robin asked as the detective opened his eyes. He didn't answer for a few moments after that. He was blinking away tears as he slowly looked up at his dark haired therapist.

"Free. I feel.. free." Connor repeated the word like he'd never said it before. This one feeling that he thought he felt when he became deviant was nothing compared to what he felt in that very moment.

Dr. Robin let Connor fully recuperate  before ending their session. He was now on his back, looking up at the ceiling as he explained the proposal, he even mentioned that they finally made love again. Robin listened intently as he spoke, complimenting the ring on his finger.

"Now before you leave today, I want you to know that meditation is a good coping mechanism. Clear your mind of all your troubles and focus on the things that make you happy. And from what I've seen today, you're already skilled at that." Robin looked over Connor proudly as they walked him out. The detective felt a sense of pride wash over him after that.

Hank had been sitting patiently in the lobby, waiting for his fiancé. And when the brunette finally walked out, Hank could instantly tell everything had went well. He stood and slender arms wrap around him, and Hank returned the grip happily.

"As I'm sure Connor will tell you, he has reached a major milestone today. He's taking long strides in healing." Dr. Robin informed Hank, watching the older man stare proudly over Connor. The detective felt like jumping into Hank's arms because he was just so happy with himself, but he kept his composure. They all said their goodbyes and the couple made their way home to their dog and fish.

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