Hold on to me

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It had been a week sense Carrie the musical finished . None of us had thought that a high school play would provoke the black hoods return , and with it a tragic death among us all . RiverDale was becoming known for its monstrosities of terror reigning down on the once pleasant, but now depressed citizens of RiverDale.
As RiverDale being known for its tragedies , it wasn't to anyone's surprise unlike the death of Midge that my mother Penelope blossom had sent me to the Sisters.Of.Quiet.Mercy . Even though it wasn't a surprise to the town , that doesn't change the fact of what she did , and the pain I suffered.
Toni was now my escape from reality and reassurance that everything was going to be alright even when the world proved me wrong . I was ready to not completely , but at least try  to forget everything and heal just like I should've along time ago . And healing would take time with no rush but , I'd say kissing Toni was a good start . Just what I needed , and  frankly just what she needed .
After confronting my mother of her hideous in aptitude of being a good mother she left thorn hill with Claudius and hopefully never to return again . I now had Thistle house all to myself , and my nana and finally the word peace could return to the word Quiet .
Most days were lonely at Thistle house although Toni helped make it less lonely after school . But when she was gone I was lonely and taking care of nana Rose was hard so I took it upon myself to hire a caretaker for when I was at school or busy .
Tomorrow was Friday and , to be honest I had no plans . Soulfully my attitude's fault and lack of friends. I could only hope that Toni wouldn't be busy . I truly relied on her for company now a days .
I looked over at my alarm clock , the bright red numbers reflecting on my nightstand . It said , 12:00 . I couldn't fall asleep. Even though I was always bored and alone , I still didn't like to be . I grabbed my phone off the charger to text Toni .

Cheryl ; you up ?
it was within minutes she responded ,

Toni ; i am now😠😂
whats wrong ? Can't sleep again?

Cheryl ; you guessed it 😒

Toni ; do you want me to come over ?

I'd really never thought I deserved someone so caring . I'm surprised I got so lucky as to meet Toni . And to this day it's still hard to believe how we used to look at eachother like we were the worst. I don't know what I'd do without her .

Cheryl ; its ok you don't need to and you should get some rest . I'll see you tomorrow

Toni ; I'm coming . See you in 15

Cheryl ; Thanks TT❤️

Toni ; ❤️

Ok I'll be honest , I did want her to come o but I didn't want her to feel obligated to come over . I'm just glad she forced coming so I didn't have to ask .

I looked over at my clock . It was around 12:20 . I heard a car pull up and tip toed to my window to look out . The moon was so bright glistening in my face I couldn't help but squint . I heard the front door open and footsteps up the stairs .
Toni walked in my room . I turned from looking out the window to the door . I saw her and couldn't help but smile. I went over to her quickly and Hugged her . She was in her Cotten slippers and cozy pajamas. She's so cute . "Come on , let's get you to sleep because I'm tired " she said while yawning and walking over to my bed . She collapsed onto my red blanket engulfing her . I walked around the bed then got on pulling the covers up and adjusting the pillows . She did the same .
As she layed there with her eyes closed I Scooched over to her . I cuddled up against her and placed my head on her chest/shoulder. I was warm on the inside and out . I felt safe with her and reassured . My lil busker queen ,
And hopefully always my little busker queen .

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! And yes I know it's short but , well I wrote all of my chapters and published them down on the app Amino , and they said fanfics had to be only 8 paragraphs so that's why there short . And I have lots more coming up and there all already written and ready to go ! Well anyways look out for part two ! And they'll get a little longer each time and there's going to be lots of cute moments and lots of drama so yippee! And by the way all of these will take place in Cheryl's POV 😁

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