I dont know how

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It had been about two weeks , sense Toni had saved me from those elderly witches that belonged to the Sisters.Of.Quiet.Mercy . Along with our first kiss . We hadn't kissed sense then , and frankly I was craving another . My lips were beginning for it . I guess I would just have to wait until I got my chance .
      Toni said , we should go on a date to the movies Tonight. It would be the perfect opportunity to kiss her .
     When school was over , I met up with Toni . As I was walking closer to the door I heard ...... A motorcycle !? I came through the doors . Toni was sitting on her motorcycle . Complementaries , of the south side serpents i think.
      I walked down the steps towards the motorcycle . "This isn't our typical ride" I laughed . "Well I thought, you'd never actually got to ride on it before so I thought , we could just ride it to the movies ." She chuckled "you like?" "Uhhh it's scary ...but uhh , you know nevermind let's just go ." I laughed . I'm usually pretty confident and brave but these last few weeks I felt the exact opposite. "Here," she handed me the helmet as I swung my leg around to get on. "I'll try to go slower than normal. Hold on tight , around my waist" now that I liked the sound of . She laughed. "What ?" I asked . As she was laughing she said "your holding on so tight"  "first time on a motorcycle and I'm terrified. But I trust you" .  "Ok then . here we go". Then we took off . Zooooom! It was exhilarating . The wind really picked up as we gained speed . Luckily the helmet held most of my hair in place .
        When we got to the movies , we hopped of the motorcycle and went in . We got the tickets and food then watched the movie . When the movie was done while we were walking back to the motorcycle "so how'd you like the movie?" "It was sooo funny" we laughed talking about the different parts in the movie that were funny on our way out .
     We headed back to her trailer . I think a lot of the serpents had trailers , I don't think a lot of them had good jobs . I had only been there twice . As we were riding I was thinking to myself. When we get settled at her trailer it'd be the perfect time to kiss her . Just thinking about it made me anxious because I didn't want to  wait any longer .
      We pulled up to her trailer and went inside . It was simple and cutely decorated . Although it was small , it was still nicer than Jugheads . We both were tired from the long school week and our date . I sat on her bed slipping my shoes off , then taking my coat off and hang it on the coat rack . I knew I needed to kiss her . When she , was done taking her shoes and coat off and adjusting to being home , I decided to make my move . "I had fun tonight" she said with a smile . "I did too!" I know originally I just planned on just a kiss but , something about tonight felt like it wasn't over . It felt more sexy I guess.   
      I leaned in to kiss her , and she did the same. Our lips pressed together softly . I heard the voice in my head relaxed say , Finally! I didn't want to leave her lips . Then Our mouths separated while our foreheads remained connected, leaning on eachother . Our eyes still closed, breathing into eachother. We went in for another kiss and started to kiss more and more . She swung her leg over me , now straddling me . Kissing her was such a relief . As we were kissing the thought of sex distracted me . Wait wait ? I don't I ..I don't know how . I'd never actually gotten to this point with anyone and to be honest the fact that it was a girl was even more frightening. I stopped kissing Toni tapping on her chest to stop . "Wait wait " I said out of breath "what is it ?" "I..I don't know ..... It s just I'm nervous I don't ...i " stuttering was all I could do . I didn't know how to word what I was saying "don't know what?"  Still straddling me , hands on my hips said "ohhhhh." Yea .. I think she understood. "Listen, if you think we're moving to fast it's ok"
"I..I don't know , I'm just nervous and I don't ...well I don't know how.? I ..I guess" I really was struggling . She could tell my lips were begging for it . That I wanted to kiss her , but I didn't want to go to far . I leaned in to kiss her . She put her hands on my face with our foreheads leaning on eachother our lips close . Us breathing heavily. I nudged my mouth to hers wanting to kiss her again , but her lips backed away as mine went to kiss her . She was playing hard to get . She was teasing . Trying to make me want it . It was sexy , and it was working . I nudged my mouth  agin towards hers but again her lips backed off . She un-straddled me and  got off the bed . "Well" she looked at me while turning back and slowly walking away "you just let me know when" she gave a smirk then closed the door . My expression was a pure "she played me" type of expression with a smirk . I laid down in bed staring up at the ceiling . Ughhhh I wanted her . "Next time I'm gonna do it . I'm gonna" I said determined , while laughing .
          I woke up to birds chirping and the sun rising . I went out to the living room where Toni had slept . She wasn't there . Not in the kitchen. Not in the living room . Not in the bathroom. Where was she ? Her phone , coat and wallet and purse were all still here ? I went outside . Maybe she was outside with coffee? She sometimes did that in the morning. Nope nowhere ? Her motorcycle was still here ? I looked over to see some tire marks from a car in the grassy dirt . The tire marks pulled out and left down to the road ? Where was she ? Where was she ?

Hey guys there's the next chapter! I hope you enjoyed it ! Look out for part three ! And if you still were confused all of these will take place in Cheryl's POV . And yes again I know there short that's because where I originally made them it said only 8 paragraphs so , well that's why . But they get a little longer each time so 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂😂

~ Collide ~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang