In the blink of an eye

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Betty , Jughead , Toni and I had all just been talking by our lockers , but then told me her name and my heart stopped. I was just stuck staring at her. I felt like I was going to vomit , like a good vomit, well no like a nervous vomit , like , like I .. I didn't know what to do next ... and .. and it was all to much for me to take in .

Then they all have me weird looks . Toni especially did when I just stared at the girl , dropping all of my things , then whispering loudly  "Heather.."

It was Heather . Heather Owens was standing by her locker getting her books . She was just a few feet away from me . For so long we've been apart but now .... she was right there ... she was just down the hall .

I dropped my things and ran . I ran not caring who saw , tears already forming in my eyes . I couldn't believe it . I was so happy and sad at the same time ... I was excited.. I was feeling everything right now . She was here. And right now , that's all my mind was on . I stopped just before I ran into her . "Heather" I said out of breath , exhilarated to finally be in her presence . She turned to me with a blank expression . She was speechless . She began to cry , as tears were already rolling down my cheeks . She held her hand over her mouth in shock . Then said my name just as I had hers , ... "Cheryl" she said letting out a deep breath. We both just stood there staring at eachother. She started to cry more and so did I , although a huge smile formed on both our faces . "I ... I can't believe .. it's you!" I said as I wrapped my arms around her . I hugged her so tightly ... like I hadn't hugged her in forever. Like I had been waiting to for so long . Like I had been wanting to . She returned the hug by hugging just as tightly . I closed my eyes and deepened the hug as much as I could , resting my cheek on her shoulder , and she doing the same . I let out a deep soothing breath and a hiccup from crying . We both just stayed there hugging eachother for the longest time . I rubbed her back calming her down , and frankly I was still tense from what just happened so she did the same .

My eyes were still closed when I heard , and felt her starting to cry more . "Aww Heather .." I said as I lightly held her head and rubbed her back some more . "It's ok .. shh... it's ok .." I said soothingly . I knew why she was crying . But right now it felt so surreal to be with her again I think it was just to much for her to take on top of her father being abusive . She hadn't always had the easiest home life like me , and so that I was here now ... was a huge relief as I was always there for her and she was for me . "Heather , it's ok ... you know I don't like it when you cry" I said lightly chuckling . She did too , and I'm glad I helped ease her tension . "I just i ... I can't believe it's you .." she gulped from crying . "You have no idea how much I needed this" she let out a shaky sigh "and you have no idea how much I've needed you" I said forgetting about Toni in the moment. We stopped hugging and I held the sides of her arms , "This this is something worth celebrating— no no , we need to catch up" I laughed , "wanna skip school?" She let out a breath with a smile as though this was just what she had needed "and besides your mascaras a mess," I laughed teasing her . "Oh my god , your so mean.." she laughed , punching me teasingly. "Yea were skipping school.." I said smiling . Then turning and grabbing the side of her arm to walk away with her .

We ran out to the car , giggling and quickly seeing as it was starting to rain . I sat in the drivers seat and she tossed me the keys as she hopped in . "So where to?" She asked out of breath . "Umm ... have you been to Pops ?" I said smiling , biting my lip , then turning to her abruptly. "Um ... no I've only been her like a few days ... what is it anyway?" She said fasting her seat belt . "Only the BEST strawberry milkshakes in town" I said buckling in . "Hmm do they have good vanilla ones too ... or have you never tried it seeing that your so picky" she laughed . "Pfttt ! Please I try everything... what are you talking about ..." We both giggled as I turned the key to start the car . "Ok but seriously tho .. do they have good vanilla milkshakes? You know there my favorite right?" She asked resting her chin on her arm , that was rested on the middle piece , leaning over curiously . I rolled my eyes , "Heather ... you think I wouldn't know that's your favorite when during summer that's ALL you would ever get at Denny's?" I scoffed "but Umm yeah they have vanilla milkshakes , I'm not sure how good they are though .... I've never had one .." I said defeated Turing back to face the window . She laughed "HA told ya!" She said smiling , and I had realized how much I missed that smile . I couldn't help but smile back . "Come on you dork let's go .." I did Turing around to look behind me so I could back out .

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