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The sun beamed through the windows directly onto the bed , in our faces . The light grey comforter and silk sheets a mess . Our hair was as well . My eyes squinted . I yawned and stretched my arms and legs out . "Ow" I said quietly . "Wait ow!?" I whispered to myself . Why was I sore ? Oh wait . Ha , oops . Toni and I had , had sex and this was well , the aftermath .

I smiled , and looked over to see Toni laying on her side , the blanket was up to underneath her shoulders . She looked beautiful with the sun shining on her . Her pink hair was crazy . With a huge smile on my face I couldn't help but chuckle. She was in deep sleep . She must've been really tired . I reached my hand out and tucked a strand of her pink hair behind her ear , the leaned over and kissed her forehead gently.

I slid out of bed , and put on some dark grey sweatpants and a loose white V-neck which were in Toni's closet . I realized ever sense I met her I slowly started to become more relaxed and less up tight . I walked out to the kitchen closing the bedroom door behind me quietly .

I looked in the cabinets and fridge and of course , the only breakfast food she had we're Eggo waffles . I chuckled. I thought it was funny and cute how she loved eggos . I plopped them in the toaster . When they were done I ate them with butter and syrup (not my "family's company's" obviously) . I sat down on her squishy couch and watched tv . The bright morning sun beamed through all the windows making it feel more cozy , and well making it harder to see the tv .

Luckily today was Saturday , so we had no rush . It was around 10:00 when I heard Toni get up . She took a shower , then blow dried her hair then came out into the living room . She hurried with quick steps , smiling then hoped onto the couch . "Good morning" she said "well it's about time " I laughed . She kissed me then , snuggled up next to me putting her head on my shoulder watching the tv .

The whole day we , watched movies , talked laughed , did homework, then she went to the grocery store to get food , while I took a shower . Then we grabbed Chinese food , came back to her trailer to eat and well , watch more tv . She had to hurry home from the store though because there was a storm coming .

As we ate and watched the bright screen of the tv , night was falling . The sky was dark , but not black like it usually was ,  It held dark greys and thick storm clouds. The thick , raindrops pasted to the windows reflecting the light form the tv . The harassing wind made the trees tap on the windows. You could her the gusts pass through the tall evergreen trees in the forest around us . Sometimes you could almost feel the trailer shake slightly. You could hear the thunder which felt as if it made the ground shake and your heart pound . And Sometimes a small streak of lightning would flash off in the distance , although no where close . It was chilling . And tonight was a spooky one .

Everytime the trailer would shake or the thunder would roar Toni's hands, which were holding onto my right arm would squeeze tightly . It didn't hurt at all , I was just wondering why she would . I could also sometimes hear her teeth chattering a tiny bit . When the movie was finished around 11:00 , Toni said we should go to bed and definitely didn't take her time to do so . I said I'd take the couch and she could take her own bed so we could get some sleep . She nodded and after she had made sure I had a blanket and pillows and stuff she walked into her room and closed the door .

i turned the tv off ,  adjusted the pillows , and pulled up the blankets and rested on my side . It was really quiet , and kinda spooky how the only thing you could hear were the huge gusts of wind  and feel them rattle the trailer . I couldn't really fall asleep so I just laid there thinking about the most random things .

After I had almost dozed off , I heard Toni's muffled voice through the wall from the bedroom "Cheryl?"  . It was silent and I must've been to sleepy because she had to call me again a little louder "Cheryl?"her voice came muffled again . Huh? I wondered. It was 12:03 and she must've still not fallen asleep? I got up off the couch and walked over to the door while rubbing my eyes . I slowly opened the door and came in . "Yea , what is it ?" I said . She sat up in bed . "Um.." she looked at me , "could you maybe ... sleep with me tonight ?" She said nervously while her hands were fiddling with each other "Uh , Yea sure" if she had wanted to sleep with me , she could've just said so in the first place . I crawled in bed , laying on my back. She was too . "Uh , I know this may be A little ridiculous but , could you maybe hold on to me ? " toni said shyly . I nodded and turned on my side towards her and she turned so her back was to me . "Come here,come here" I whispered and mumbled quietly. I scooted up against her back and wrapped my arms around her .  I  kissed the back of her head , then snuggled into her and rested my head against the pillow and my chin squished against the top of her head .

I wondered why , she was acting like this . I mean other then us dating and her just being affectionate. I mean , I was wondering why she was .... well ..., I don't know . I guess all of a sudden scared? Vulnerable? Because there was a big storm . I just , couldn't help but find it a little odd , that a tough Southside serpent like her was afraid of .. a storm ? I was afraid of a lot of things but storms were never something I worried about I mean in RiverDale we had them all the time . Maybe , she hadn't lived here very long ? Maybe it had todo with her past ? I don't know . I'll just ask her in the morning , I decided.

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