Trying to put the pieces back together

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It has been , a few days sense Toni had told me the tragedy her family had encountered , leaving her the only one in her family left . After she had , and broke down in front of me I stayed with her all Sunday , just comforting her in silence , as we watched some movies . The next morning we went to school and After school on  we both went are separate ways and well , I went back to Thistle house and she went home to her trailer . It was just me , nana rose and the caretaker at Thistle house now all alone and , as for Toni , well frankly she was alone too . Then , Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday passed , us just talking in school although we still didn't say much . She look tired , and depressed , and I already knew nothing I could say or do would make her feel any better . I just needed to give her time and space . Although it was hard to . I felt awful knowing that I had caused that . I mean , I know I wasn't responsible for what happened to her and her family, it's just , I had finally fixed her . Helped her that night but , then I had to ask  why she was scared and , then she broke . And  I desperately wanted to put the Pieces back together of the one I loved .

it was now Thursday afternoon and , I came home from school to Thistle house , hoped on my bed and pulled out my phone to text Toni .

Cheryl ;  Hey Toni , I think we should talk about what happened . Do you want to meet me at Pop's?😘💕

Toni ; sure . What time ?

Cheryl ; Does 5 work ?

Toni ;  Yea , See you then❤️

Cheryl ; see you then! ❤️

I got in my car a drove to Pop's , then ordered her a chocolate milkshake and me a strawberry one . It was crowded so I sat down in the only booth available in the corner and waited . The bell rang , and Toni walked inside looking around for me . Our eyes locked and she walked over to where I was and sat down . "Hey" I said as she slid into the booth "hey" she said getting situated. Then Pop came with a tray and set down our milkshakes on the table . "Here you go girls!" He said with a smile . "Thank you !" I said smiling back as Pop walked away , then turned back to Toni . "Thanks for the milkshake" toni said , sipping through her straw "Yea no problem" I said brushing that conversation aside .

"So , you said you wanted to talk?" She said sipping her milkshake once more , staring up at me . "Umm .... Yea " I started to say but at the same time , trying not to get lost in her deep brown eyes . "I just .. I" then I paused before speaking again . "I don't , want you to be sad and , depressed because I care about you . A lot Toni . And I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry . For bringing, it up , I..i had no idea . And also to let you know that I'm hear for you if you need me ." She slightly smiled and nodded before I continued , "And you know , I know what it's like to feel loss and , what it's like to have horrible things happen . And so , again I'm here for you TT , and I love you" Then I paused a moment before saying , "and again I'm really sorry that , that happened to you" I said reaching out and gently grabbing her hand , stroking the top of it with my thumb. She reached out her other hand and grabbed my other hand , looking down at the table , then back up to my eyes "thank you . For everything ." I gulped , then she spoke again looking deeper into my eyes "And you don't have to be sorry for Bringing it up , you had a right to know , I mean heck , you didn't even know anything about my past or my family , so it's ok " . I nodded then taking a sip of my milkshake. "And trust me , I've done a lot of thinking about , what happened and , about my past , these last Few days and ...actually , thank you for bringing it up , I needed to talk about it with someone, and .... I'm glad that Pearson was you" she said as a smile crossed her lips , and I couldn't help but smile back . We both leaned in , and my lips met hers . We both sighed in relief . A soft , long , but gentle kiss , was all we needed tonight . Right there , in that booth . At Pops , in the glow of the neon lights , before we would part , once again .

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