Winking Wednesday

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Memo: Gentlemen, when using the restroom facilities, AIM.

The janitorial staff will thank you later.

Freddie was waiting for his soy latte when he heard Greyson's voice. Quickly he turned the corner and stayed there, listening to Greyson as he ordered an Americano. Thank God it was a quick one. They made it for him right away.

"Soy latte for Freddie!" the barista called. "Soy latte for Freddie."

Freddie peeked around the corner of the wall, making sure Greyson had left the building before getting his own coffee. He followed way behind Greyson to work, keeping a safe distance, hoping that Greyson wouldn't notice.

Greyson knew damn well that Freddie was dodging him.  He saw Freddie duck behind the column in the coffee shop.  Then Freddie peeking out as his order was called.  Then hiding and waiting until Greyson got his order and left.  Then keeping his distance several feet behind him.

The hell?

Freddie was the one who started it all by wearing those panties. Those pink panties that showed off those sweet cheeks.  Damn tease! Now he was playing hard to get. 

During the morning Greyson saw that Freddie took his breaks at different times from him.  It was too bad that Freddie wasn't a smoker, Greyson would have seen a lot more of him other than the furtive sneakings back and forth to his cubicle.

Greyson sighed and went back to his sucky paperwork.  Damn, he couldn't wait until retirement! Work sucked!

He entertained himself by thinking about Freddie.  He knew that Freddie was worrying about his job and that dumb don't-sleep-with-your-coworkers rule, but he really didn't need to.  Greyson believed in being discreet.  He managed to carry on several torrid affairs with workers here, even a couple of management types, right under the boss's nose.  Talk about flying too close to the sun.  That's what life was about.

Ree Ree rushed by his cubicle, clipboard in hand.  "Meeting," she said.  "Conference room, ten minutes."

Greyson sighed and grabbed his laptop.  Great, now he was going to get bored to death, nice.  Fuck his life.

When Greyson went into the conference room he saw Freddie by the refreshment table stuffing himself with doughnuts.  When Freddie turned, he saw Greyson and flinched, looked quickly around, then jumped into the empty seats between two ladies, making sure that Greyson wouldn't sit next to him.

Greyson scoffed.  That damn Freddie! Well, he was going to show him.  He took the empty seat right in front of Freddie, looking him dead in the eye.  He felt smug when Freddie squirmed and looked down at his notebook, pretending to study.

The boss came in, looking like the dragon lady she was.  "Okay, people!" she bellowed.  "Let's begin, shall we?"

While the boss droned on and on about the usual bullshit, Greyson continued to stare at Freddie.  He studied that baby face, that smooth flawless skin, blemish free.  Those huge puppy dog eyes with the long dark lashes.  Those full pink plump kissable lips. . .

Then Freddie looked up and caught Greyson's stare.  He quickly looked away.

Greyson decided to step up his game.  When Freddie looked at him again Greyson winked at him.  A slow, sexy wink.

Greyson saw the blush as it formed on Freddie's cheeks and spread across his face.  Freddie froze, staring back, lips parted in aghast at Greyson's boldness.

Slowly Greyson winked again.  He followed that up by flicking his tongue at him before running it across his top lip.

Freddie kept staring.  Greyson couldn't tell if he was aroused or just appalled.  Greyson puckered his lips and blew him a kiss.

Freddie suddenly stood up, holding his notebook in front of him.

"Freddie!" The boss said.  "We're not done yet."

"I-I-I," Freddie stammered, face now tomato red.  "I have to go. . .go. . .to. . . bathroom.  Excuse me!" He tripped over his feet as he practically ran out of the room.  Everyone stared after him.

"Strange man." the boss said before continuing her droning.

Greyson was amused.  Was that a boner Freddie was hiding? He did hold that notebook at crotch level so it was possible.  Greyson excused himself and left.

Freddie was splashing cold water on his face, trying his best to calm down.  His member was hurting because it was restrained in his panties.  It always did that for some reason.

As he tried to adjust his panties he thought about what happened back there.  What was that anyway? He couldn't believe it.  Greyson was messing with him, making fun of him! Jerk!

The worst of it was how Freddie's body reacted.  What was happening? Why did he feel so weird?

The door opened.  Freddie saw Greyson's reflection in the mirror over the sink.  He turned around.  "You have to get out of here," Freddie demanded.  "Get out of here."

Instead Greyson locked the door.  With that same intense gaze he stepped closer to Freddie.

"Back away." Freddie stammered.  "Or. . .or. . . I'll scream."

Greyson smirked as he kept moving.  "Please do it," he said in a husky voice.  "It'll turn me on even more."

Freddie felt helpless.  Something was wrong with this guy! Was he going to hurt him? Beat him up? Or worse? He wanted his mommy, he wanted to go home.

Greyson took Freddie's face between his hands.  He leaned in and kissed him.

Freddie was shocked! Appalled! Outraged!

Ohh, nice. 

Freddie closed his eyes and savored the softness of another pair of lips on his own.  When Greyson's tongue went into his mouth Freddie's mind went blank.  So. . .silky.

Greyson really didn't have a game plan.  He was originally going to confront Freddie on his funky attitude.  But something else took over.  He found himself kissing Freddie, full on.  Damn, this was good! He was amazed at how good this was.

Someone banged on the door.  "Hey, why's this locked! I gotta piss, open up!"

The men pulled away.  Freddie looked flustered, gasping in surprise.  Greyson turned, unlocked the door and left the bathroom.  The guy rushed into the nearest stall. 

Freddie stood frozen.  Then he lightly touched his lips with his fingertips in a daze.

He had just had his first kiss.



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