Morning After Monday

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Freddie slowly regained consciousness sometime in the morning. He was exhausted. He sat up and thought about what happened. He couldn't believe the things he and Greyson had done. Wicked sinful, lustful things. Things that felt so good he couldn't believe it.

Freddie pulled the covers up over his nude body. He looked around for Greyson but the bedroom was empty. Where was Greyson? Freddie remembered the things he did to him, the things he said. "Put your legs up, wrap them around, put the condom on, yeah you like that don't you?"

Freddie needed to go to church. He needed to absolve his sins. There was no way he was going to heaven after all that. Confession was good for his mortal soul.

The toilet flushed followed by the sound of a spray being sprayed. Greyson came out of the bathroom. He also had no clothes on. He plopped back on the bed and lit a cigarette before smiling at Freddie. "Morning sunshine. Did you sleep as good as I did?"

"I need to go to church." Freddie said.

Greyson laughed. "After all the shit we did we need all the holy water we can get."

"I'm serious, Grey. We can go to hell for what we did."

Greyson kept laughing. "Come on, everybody does that. Hell wouldn't have enough room, the devil will be evicting people left and right, like get your ass outta here." He scooted closer to Freddie and ruffled his hair. "Come on, don't feel bad. I had a great time. I hope you did too."

Freddie blushed. "Really?"

"Really. I'm glad we finally hooked up." Greyson meant it. He wanted to keep Freddie all to himself. "You're amazing." He leaned in to give Freddie a kiss. "I can't get enough of you. There's nothing to be ashamed of."

Freddie felt somewhat flattered, but still wasn't sure.

"Get dressed," Greyson said. "I'll take you to church, then we'll grab some breakfast."


Greyson's phone rang. It was the boss. The fuck did she want, he wondered. Should he ignore it? Nah, best to answer it now or pay for it later.

"Chance!" She screamed in his ear. "Where the hell are you?"

Greyson rolled his eyes. "Uh, home, duh."

"Why aren't you at work?"

"Cause it's Sunday." Dumb twat, he thought.

There was a pause before the boss blew her stack: "IT'S FREAKING MONDAY MORNING YOU IDIOT!!"

Greyson froze. What the fuck? No no no. Can't be. It was Sunday morning, it had to be. If it wasn't he was fucked. He looked at his phone.

It was Monday.

Oh crap. He was fucked.

They were supposed to be at work over an hour ago.


"What the hell is wrong with you, Chance?" the boss continued screaming. "You don't even know what day it is? Really, Chance?"

"I am so sorry. I must have overslept." Greyson was running back and forth, grabbing what he hoped was a clean shirt. "I'm on my way right now."

"Good. Now I have to call Highmore. He did a no show too. I swear to God."

"Oh no no no. I'll run by his house and pick him up."

"You'd better get here quick if you want your job, Chance."

Greyson was running around trying to put his pants on. "Holy shit! It's Monday!"

"No it's not." Freddie was still in bed with the covers up. "It's Sunday, you're taking me to church."

"No, it's fucking Monday, I'm taking your ass to work." Greyson was putting some powder up his nostrils, sniffing loudly. "Oooh, fuck, how did I skip a whole day? I can't believe this shit." He pulled on a wrinkled shirt, sniffing it first. "Get up, we're late. We'll be fired!"

Freddie couldn't believe it. Monday? How was it Monday? What have they been doing all weekend beside sin?

He jumped out of bed and began searching for his clothes. "I can't wear my panties, you tore them."

"Just go commando like me." Greyson said. "Underwear is overrated."

Freddie felt weird not wearing any underwear. Another new experience.

They rushed to Greyson's car and practically sped down to the company. They gulped down some bad coffee and high tailed it to their cubicles before the dragon lady could find them.

She found them. She leaned in over Greyson's desk. "What the absolute hell, Chance?"

Greyson looked down, hoping there were no powder traces on his nose. "I'm so sorry, ma'am. I was so busy. . .uh. . .working, that I completely lost track of the time. Silly me." He gave a loud corny laugh.

The boss lady did not look amused. "You were two hours late. Not acceptable. Your pay will be docked for this."

Fuckity fuck!! He already owed the Candyman plus he was behind on that damn light bill. "Yes ma'am."

"I'll have to fire the new guy."

"Oh no! Please don't!" Greyson jumped up. "It wasn't Freddie's fault, he was waiting on me to give him a ride. Yeah, that's it. I promised to, uh, give him a ride this morning and I lost complete track of the time. Poor Freddie was just waiting for me."

"He doesn't know how to call an Uber?"

"He's so innocent, he doesn't know how." That part could be true, Greyson thought.

The boss stared at him for a moment. Greyson wondered if she figured out what he and Freddie did, whether it was written all over his face. Could she tell that he was sucking Freddie's dick most of the night?

"All right, I'll keep him," she said. "He'll get a warning, you'll get a write up and your pay docked. You're so lucky I'm in a good mood, Chance."

Greyson was relieved. He would hate for Freddie to get fired on his account. He went back to work, thinking that if he and Freddie were going to be a couple then he had to get his act together.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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