Missing Monday

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Memo: "To the ladies only.  Feminine hygiene products are not to be flushed in the toilet.  This causes clogged drains and high plumbing bills.  Let's be discreet and place them in the trash bin where they belong.  Thank you.

Also if you plan to take a sick day, please inform the office so they can find a suitable replacement."

The minute Greyson walked into work he noticed Freddie's absence.  He looked in Freddie's cubicle, the lounge and in the men's room.  No Freddie, and those were the only places he would most likely be.

Greyson began to worry.  That wasn't like Freddie to not come into work.  Freddie never missed a day or was even late.  What the hell?

He tried to do his work but was too worried to bother with goofing off so he went over to Ree Ree's desk.  "Hey, do you know if anything happened to Freddie?"

Ree Ree looked up from her phone.  "Which one, Bennett, Carson, Davis, Grabowsky, Highmore or Liebermann?"

"Highmore." How many damn Freddies were there?

Ree Ree checked her computer.  "Oh, he called in sick today, he won't be able to come in."

Greyson was surprised.  He hadn't seen Freddie since the diner yesterday.  "Seriously? Is he okay?"

Ree Ree smiled up at him.  "Are we catching feelings for him, Grey Grey?"

"What?" Greyson snorted.  "Me? Hell no! I'm just wondering where he was is all."

"Okay." Ree Ree was still smiling.

"I don't do that." Greyson insisted.


"No caught feelings here."


"He's like my protege.  I'm just looking out for him."

Ree Ree slid a piece of paper towards him.  Greyson picked it up and looked at it.

"What's this?"

"His address," Ree Ree said.  "In case you don't want to check on him."

Greyson's leg wouldn't stop jiggling as he counted the minutes until his lunch break.  As soon as high noon hit he practically flew out the building and into his car.  He put Freddie's address into his GPS and followed it to an area just outside town.

Freddie lived in an old two story house.  Old but kinda quaint with a lot of pink flamingos.  Greyson knocked on the door.  After a while it opened and Freddie peered at him through the crack.

"What?" Freddie said.  He looked like hell.  His eyes were red rimmed and had dark circles beneath.  His hair was mussed and his face unshaven.

Greyson looked at him closely.  "Are you okay?" At the moment Freddie reminded him of the crack and meth addicts around town.

Freddie stared back.  "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? They said you called off."

"Yeah, I'm good.  Bye." Freddie tried to close the door but Greyson stopped him.

"Wait.  Can I at least come in?"

Freddie moved back and Greyson stepped inside.  The place was a little dark but Greyson could still see everything.  He saw that Freddie had on wrinkled pajamas that looked stained around the crotch area.  Oh no.  Greyson knew what that was about.

"Freddie?" Greyson tried not to smile.

"What?" Freddie looked so innocent.

"Have you been jerking off all this time?" Greyson said.

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