Chapter 4: visions and dreams | Eva

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A second ago, I had been standing, slightly wobbling on the heels that Sarah had forced me into (to gain a better height for Kelvin, she'd said, even though I had no idea why that was even important), applauding as the newly wed bride and groom kissed in front of the altar. Liam had created more petals that showered over the two, and I had been smiling, my worries forgotten.

The next, the pain in my head had taken over, and I'd...just left the wedding. I was lifted up by an unseen force, and dragged away, until I found myself standing in the middle of the palace vault. Unlike the last time I had been there with Sarah, the vault was clean, and the various portals that overlooked each gate connecting Jendilya and Earth lined the walls, each shining brightly - although one was glowing red. As if it were urgent.

I walked closer towards it, peering into the portal's surface. And suddenly, I was lifted off my feet, and sucked into the portal.

The red faded until I could see a clear view of a forest I didn't recognise. A gate was wide open, blazing in front of a thorn bush, and in front of it...was a man. I couldn't make out his face for some reason, but before I could speak, he lunged at me with a shiny object in his hand.

I froze - but somehow my body moved of its own volition, darting out of the way. I fumbled for my weapons, but realised that I was unarmed. Desperately, I reached out with my mind, but came up with nothing. Why couldn't I get through to my sister? I must be too far to reach her, I reasoned. But fear slowly crept in. But what if that man somehow managed to cut the connection?

My brain was becoming muddled. The thoughts I'd just had - they weren't really mine. It was hard to wrap my head around it, but it was as if I was thinking someone else's thoughts. It was me, but at the same time, it wasn't. My thoughts and movements were made by another force that wasn't my own.

I - the actual me - didn't understand. Why would I try and use my magic to find Olivia? She was dead.

"Who are you?" I demanded, but it wasn't really me that was speaking. My mouth was moving of its own accord, saying words that didn't belong to me.

The man snarled. "Does it matter, witch? You can't escape from me."

My thoughts - well, not mine - were racing. Each gate was connected to the palace vault, wasn't it? If I could hold off this unknown man for long enough, if I could somehow get the attention of someone in the palace, help would come.

I just had to delay for a little longer, and hope -

Something cold sunk into my neck. I tugged it out and stared in disbelief. A dart. He'd shot me with a dart. What could a tiny dart do?

He was grinning now, taking long, confident strides towards me. I tried to run, but I realised with horror that I was sinking to the ground, and the darkness was coming, eating me up, devouring me whole -


I blinked, suddenly finding myself staring into a pair of midnight coloured eyes that were hovering not that far above my face. I flinched on instinct, scurrying away. My back hit a bedpost, and that was when I realised that I was lying on a four poster bed in one of the palace bedrooms.

The wedding. I blacked out.

The midnight eyed girl, Gloria, kneeled on the edge of the bed. Ignoring her crinkling dress, she reached out towards me slowly. "Easy now. You nearly took a nasty hit to the head when you fell. Luckily, Kelvin caught you in time." It was no surprise that Gloria was here, since she had Dorlae blood in her veins - the blood of healers. I glanced behind her to Kelvin, who only shrugged, but his usual calm expression was replaced with one of fierce worry.

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