Chapter 19: torture and escape | Kelvin

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I observed Livia as her eyebrows creased in concentration. She'd been trying to revive her magic since I had announced my intention to escape from our wildlife prison, believing that if I was to succeed, I would need all the assistance I could get. However, the way she spoke made it sound as if she wasn't going to be joining me, and I knew I couldn't leave her behind, but I didn't know how to convince her.

The whites of Livia's eyes were tinged red from crying in frustration. "I can't even feel my magic anymore," she cursed.

"We're on Earth," I tried to reason with her, seeing that she was visibly getting increasingly upset with every passing minute. "Magic isn't supposed to - "

"Mine did!" Livia shouted, before hopping away and diving into a small stream nearby, disappearing below the surface. I wanted to follow her, but there wasn't much I could do except hover over the water and pray that she would return soon.

She didn't.

Hours passed, and I started to become worried. Could frogs stay underwater for long periods of time without needing oxygen? I hadn't seen Livia surface even once.

What was her magic, anyway? After all this time, I still hadn't mustered the courage to ask her. She seemed especially guarded whenever I switched the topic towards her personal life prior to being a frog, so I hadn't wanted to push her, fearing that I would lose all chances of her escaping with me.

I understood how Livia would be afraid to leave. After all that torture and pain, of course I would understand, but wouldn't she still try?

Did she have nothing left to live for?

Or had she already given up?

I knew I couldn't give up. Eva, Peter and Sarah must have been worried sick about me. I wondered where they were now, and what they were doing. Were they searching for me? I had no idea what had happened to them since the Shadow Man had taken me, and it terrified me. What if the Shadow Man had abducted them too, or worse, killed them?

And Eva - gods, who was going to monitor Eva, and make sure that she didn't have another of her deadly visions while I was gone?

I had to trust Sarah and Peter. I had to trust that they were safe, and that they weren't caught, and that they were keeping Eva alive.

I was not going to return and find my best friend dead.

The golden eyed frog finally surfaced, just before I drifted to sleep. I lifted my head groggily. "You took your time," I called, letting my light glow, so that she could see where I was.

Livia hopped over, water droplets running down her green skin. She smiled - all previous frustration gone. "I was swimming."

"Were you a swimmer, before this?" I asked, curious. As expected, she hesitated, but this time, she decided to answer me.

"No. Actually, as a human, I never really liked the water. My family lived far from the ocean, so we never - " Livia suddenly stopped, her eyes widening, as if she'd realised that she'd said too much.

"You can keep going," I urged her, but she slammed her lips shut and shook her head. Instead, I took a different approach. "Your family must be really worried about you."

Livia's tone was almost cold when she replied, "My family thinks I'm dead."

I instantly felt guilty for wanting to push her. "Livia, I - " I began, but the green eyed frog gasped and pointed upwards. I spun to see a hole open in the glass ceiling of our prison, and the familiar metal claw descended, aimed for us.

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