Chapter 5: King's coronation | Kelvin

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A shadow fell across the polished floor of the throne room, and the guests assembled turned as one to face the doorway, where a silhouette stood. They took a step forward, out of the blinding light, and the citizens of Jendilya held their breath as they beheld not a boy, but a King.

A scarlet coloured robe hung from Evan's broad shoulders, pooling down in waves of crimson, almost looking like blood in contrast to the golden floor. He wore a white and gold suit underneath, and his usually spiky brown hair was flattened, probably to make room for the crown that was soon to be bestowed upon his head.

The Queen and Evan had been married for a week, and the guests held their breath in anticipation as they watched the new husband walk towards the throne, on his way to become Jendilya's next King.

"He looks so hot," Sarah gushed, adorned in more jewellery than even Queen Kameron. Her eyes were bright, and alive with excitement.

Peter, dressed in a plain suit like me, gave her an incredulous look. "Sarah, no offence, but that's wrong. He's married." Beside me, Eva wrinkled her nose, the only sign of her displeasure. She'd been mostly resting at home after the royal wedding, to regain her strength after she'd lost consciousness. Even now, she was still a bit too pale for my liking, but she'd been adamant in attending. Gloria had also expressed her interest in seeing Eva (possibly to do yet another check on her vitals), and I disagreed, but I knew it was a lost battle.

Seated on the throne was the Queen of Hearts, with her father and Hamish by her side. Her face was stoic, but her fingers drummed the armrests. Was she nervous?

Sarah waved a hand. "You are speaking nonsense. Anyone with a brain would have realised that I didn't say those words with that sort of connotation. I'm just saying that whoever dressed Evan up for his coronation did it well."

Peter opened his mouth to argue, but Evan had already reached the foot of the Queen's throne, and Hamish, standing at attention, called for silence.

"Today, standing here, we have the youngest descendant of Jendil, prepared to accept the the royal title, and to rule to the best of his ability. Evan, your vows?" Hamish raised an eyebrow - an informal gesture, but Evan visibly swallowed before answering.

"I, Evan, vow to care for every Jendilyan for the rest of my days until my dying breath. Let the hands of peace, honesty and wisdom guide me through my reign, let my judgement be clouded not by injustice, and my rule be just and fair. I vow to rule alongside my Queen and to respect her. I vow to protect every single citizen of our country, and if I be unworthy of the throne, may the will of the people seal my fate." Evan sounded like he had rehearsed his words many times.

Hamish smiled approvingly. "Well done," he mouthed, as Queen Kameron stepped towards her husband, with a gleaming golden crown in her hands. He knelt at her feet, his head bent, and she placed the crown upon his head without hesitation.

"Rise," she said, her ruby eyes steely.

And the King of Hearts rose, to thunderous applause.

One of the Earthen boys, Hudson, yelled, "Yes, Evan, you beast!"

"I was aware that I was the Beast," the brooding boy beside him corrected. Brendan, his name apparently was.

The onyx eyed girl was jumping up and down, pumping her fist. "Kick some ass!"

Jasmine grabbed the girl's wrists, preventing her from jumping. "Penny, he's a King. He can't kick ass, and for goodness sake, stop jumping! It's a royal event, and you're being disrespectful!"

"And everyone said I was the immature one," Hannah sighed.

"You are," Hudson pointed out.

"Go fuck yourself!" she fired back.

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