Chapter 15: power of song | Eva

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I had forgotten what she looked like, but hearing Cailyn's name brought back memories of the girl who had gone slightly insane due to an unknown build up of powerful magic within her, and had destroyed the cafeteria as a result. It hadn't been completely her fault - the disaster had been caused by the combined magic of Cailyn and Justina. Justina had the ability to manipulate asteroid fire, and the entirety of Ullanyth HQ were astounded and awed to learn that the new Earthen girl had power over jewelled ice, the opposite of Justina's fire.

Cailyn's story was almost unbelievable. Her mother had escaped Jendilya while the land was still under Queen Lucy's reign, and had ultimately fallen in love with and married an Earthen man. Hence, Cailyn was half Jendilyan and half Earthen, but since she had lived on Earth her entire life, her magic had remained hidden from the world until she had visited Jendilya. Jendilya had basically broken the lock on her magic, in a way.

After Jendilya's civil war, Cailyn and Justina had founded Kit Academy together, and Cailyn had returned to Earth for other reasons. Due to this, she had not attended the royal wedding.

"It's nice to see you again," I told the grey and purple haired girl, and it was true. Cailyn's presence would help us enormously, since we did not have to hide anything around her, and she had an extensive knowledge of Earth.

Cailyn gave me a closed lipped smile. "Likewise."

Ethan stared at us as if we were crazy. "You know this girl? She seems like some dodgy drug dealer, if anything. Look at her! She's dressed like some punk, and she has scissors in her sleeve!"

Cailyn only raised an eyebrow, twirling the said scissors around her index finger. Sarah leaned forward, her smile replaced with a slight frown. "Insult anyone here again, and I'll send you back to your family before you can even blink." It was almost comical - Ethan, who appeared to have already had his growth spurt, was being threatened by a girl whose head only reached the bottom of his chin.

However, Ethan quieted instantly, tearing his eyes away from Sarah's smouldering gaze with difficulty.

"So, how did you meet?" Peter questioned, glancing from the siren to Cailyn.

"Oh, we met in the bathroom." Sarah beamed, linking her arm through Cailyn's. "Beautiful, right?" 

Peter pretended to gag. "So you walked in, did whatever you needed to do, and somehow saw each other whilst doing that?"

"There's something called cubicles," Cailyn deadpanned, eyeing Peter. She stopped swinging her scissors, instead slipping them back up the sleeve of her jumper. "I don't think we've met. I'm Cailyn." She held out her hand.

"Peter," responded Peter, smiling as he shook her hand. "Do you live here?"

"No, I went overseas to study for university," Cailyn answered. She peered at our computer screen, reading the contents. "What are you all doing here? The gate's closed."

"The gate to Jendilya is closed?" I blurted out, ignoring how Ethan's eyebrows furrowed at the name of our land. However, Sarah nudged Peter, who sighed in resignation before standing and drawing Ethan away to the bookcases.

Cailyn cocked her head to the side, puzzled. "Did you not know? Apparently, Liam informed Hamish about the kidnapping of a Jendilyan by an unknown enemy. To prevent this enemy from escaping into other worlds such as Earth, Hamish locked all the gates via the palace vault. No one can get in or get out. However, he contacted Kam beforehand, for her to inform us that we would not be able to visit until the matter is solved."

We were trapped here. Even if we wanted to give up, we couldn't. We could not return.

Sarah's eyes were wide. "We came here to find our friend, the one who was kidnapped. He was taken through the gate that leads here, so we followed, but we have no idea how to find him. That was why we were researching, before I found you." The siren hesitated. "I know it's a lot to ask, since you're most likely busy, but...will you help us? We would really appreciate it. We're...pretty lost."

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