Chapter 27: Sarah's plan | Kelvin

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Sarah's plan wasn't too elaborate, nor was it too simple. The general gist of the plan was as expected - some of us would act as a distraction, and the others would sneak Peter out of the hospital.

"I don't know how advanced your world is, but here, there are security cameras," Zero informed us. Noting our bewildered expressions, the midnight haired boy continued. "They track every movement in this hospital. They'll see you and catch you the minute you go after Peter."

Sarah let out a low growl. "Earthens," she spat, even though they'd technically done nothing wrong. "Fine. They have their cameras. But we have something they don't."

"What?" asked Cailyn, eyeing the siren with a hint of amusement in her expression, despite the grim situation.

"Magic," Sarah declared. Zero almost smiled, but Sarah sounded dead serious.

Still encased within Eva's arms, Livia muttered, "Oh, lord." She sounded condescending, but I remembered what Jason had told her, about robbing her of her power. It was only reasonable to therefore assume that magic would be a sensitive topic with Livia, wasn't it? As if Eva shared my thoughts, she reached out and squeezed Livia's hand supportingly. Livia squeezed back.

"Kel and Cailyn," Sarah addressed the grey and purple haired girl and I. Cailyn raised an eyebrow. "Do you think you have enough magic to take out the security cameras? We can't be seen destroying them ourselves, but with magic..."

Frost blossomed on Cailyn's palm, encasing her fingertips like a thin glove. "I should have enough."

I held out my hand and concentrated, and a small hammer materialized out of thin air to land in my grasp. "Me too." Cailyn and I exchanged an uneasy look. If they were able to wield their magic - to some extent - on Earth, the situation was rapidly worsening. However, a positive aspect of it was that we were able to take advantage of it.

"I can lead the nurses and doctors away easily," Sarah continued, sounding a little too overconfident with her power, but nobody objected. Sarah was putting all she had into this plan because she needed something to do, something to distract her from her grief. Nobody was willing to see how close she was to tipping over the side.

"I can help," Zero volunteered. "I can be an actual distraction. I'm not from another world - if the hospital decides to look me up, they'll find me."

Sarah gave him a curt nod.

"I'll head back to the waiting room," Ethan offered. "I'll try to give you a clear path out."

Sarah gave the fifteen year old a sad smile. "You don't have to help us, you know. This is what you would consider illegal."

He shrugged. "I've always wanted to break the law. Some excitement in my life would do me good. And,'s for you." 

The siren unexpectedly let out a small chuckle, her cheeks turning pink.

"I'll stay here with Olivia." Eva was still hugging her sister. Her arms seemed to be locked around Livia, as if she physically could not let go. "She's in no condition to assist with this."

"Hey," Livia protested, her golden eyes flashing indignantly. "I'm fine, I can - "

"I can feel what you feel, and I can tell you right now that you are most definitely not fine," Eva cut in.

"Even if you were, you're not meant to leave until you're cleared to go. Your absence would be noticed quite quickly," Zero piped up, and Livia let out a small noise that could have been a tut.

"Livia," I spoke up, and she fixed me with a golden eyed stare. "When Zero and Jas do whatever they're going to do, they're going to provide a distraction just large enough for you and Eva to slip out without trouble. You can't walk, and it's going to be slow. Let us handle this, and you focus on getting out undetected."

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