Chapter 21: unconditional love | Eva

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"Come on," Risin encouraged, his eyes glinting mischievously as he hovered above me, his large wings casting a shadow over me. "Try and hit me."

My guardian angel had decided to teach how me to fight in close combat. I had only ever used my bow and arrows as weapons, and hence, had never directly fought anyone. Risin saw that as a weakness, and wanted me to overcome it.

I lowered myself into a fighting position, my eyes narrowing. Risin, as an immortal angel who would have had endless years to train, was undoubtedly a hard opponent to beat. But if I could last for longer than five minutes, I would be proud.

"Your weapon is like an extension of your arm. Remember that," Risin instructed, gesturing to the sword that I held in my hand.

"Okay," I replied, a little nervously, since he'd only just finished showing me the basics of sword fighting and I was sure that he would win as soon as our blades first connected. In fact, he would probably cut me in half.

Risin smiled and shook his head, knowing the thoughts that passed through my mind. "No, Evangeline. You have nothing to fear. I will not hurt you."

"You have to if you want me to get good at this," I pointed out, and then I was running, holding my weapon aloft. Risin grinned, lowering himself to stand on the cloud that I was on, his arms spread wide to greet me.

I was halfway into the first thrust when I heard her voice. I stopped dead.

Her voice, clear as day, in my mind.

Olivia. Risin's voice echoed, mixing with my thoughts, and I nodded.

It wasn't only in my mind - her voice was everywhere, in this dream. Her voice echoed throughout the land, so loudly that the sky seemed to awaken, the clouds picking up speed and moving around wildly despite the lack of wind.

Her voice, screaming.

And it didn't stop. It was as if I was thrown into a nightmare, only hearing her anguish, her agony - and I couldn't do anything to help.

"Olivia!" I prayed she could hear me. Why was she screaming? "Olivia, what's wrong?"

Risin pulled me close to him. "Evangeline - "

"No!" I pushed him away. "What's happening to her?" But my sister was in heaven, wasn't she? She was with the angels...right? I blanched. "Are the angels punishing her? I swear, Risin, I will - "

"Evangeline, can you just listen - "

"I won't let them hurt my sister!" I shouted, cutting him off.

"I know!" he hollered back, pressing a hand over my mouth so that I couldn't speak. "Just listen to me. I don't think your sister ever went to heaven."

Behind Risin's hand, my mouth fell open. What did he mean? Was he trying to imply that Olivia had gone to hell instead? But she had been such a sweet person, there was no way she was destined for hell -

"No, you're not getting it," Risin shook his head again. "I don't believe your sister is dead. That's why she's not in heaven."

He had to be kidding. I pulled his hand away from my mouth.

"Risin, if this is your idea of a joke, it's not funny," I began shakily. I refused to listen to him. He spoke the impossible. I wouldn't - couldn't - believe him.

"I'm not," he said softly, reaching out to stroke my hair gently. "Evangeline...I think your sister is alive."

For a second, I was stunned to silence. My guardian angel was lying. He had to be.

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