Chapter 14: computers and books | Eva

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I lay on my side, watching with amusement as my angel zipped through the clouds, somehow managing to pull them apart to form other shapes. Already, he'd made cloud sculptures of various animals, including a lion and seal. Once, when we were younger, Olivia had came across an Elementalist, who had taught her - hence, they taught me, too - that clouds were formed due to condensation.

Therefore, my angel should not have been able to treat the clouds as if they were soft balls of cotton, but he was. I shouldn't be able to lie on a cloud without falling to my death either, honestly, but I guess a dream defied logic.

In the real world, I was probably curled up on the bed I shared with Sarah in the hotel room. Immediately after drifting off to sleep, the darkness around me had vanished, replaced with the sky and clouds, and I knew that my angel was waiting.

The first time we had met, it had appeared to be sometime during the day, when the sky was still a brilliant blue. Now, the sky was darkening fast, the sun's last rays turning the sky a pale yellow.

"Hey," I called, pausing a little awkwardly. I still didn't know his name.

The angel stopped in the midst of forming a bear, and flew back towards me. He was fully clothed this time, dressed in simple white pants and a white top (thank goodness), which contrasted heavily against his brown skin. "Is something wrong? Do you not like my clouds?"

"What's your name?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. "You know mine, so doesn't it seem only fair that I know yours?"

He hovered in front of me, his head only a few inches above my own. "You make a point." He grimaced. "I haven't told you my name because I do not wish for you to judge me differently. This is who I am now, regardless of what I have done."

"I don't understand." What did he mean? What had he done, and why would he think I would resent him for it? So far, he'd been nothing but a harmless angel trapped within me. I wanted to find a way to release him, but that was another problem that I could handle after saving Kelvin.

He sighed. "My name is Risin." He tensed, but I didn't react. I had never heard of his name before.

"Your name strangely suits you," I replied, and his face relaxed as he gave me a small grin. "with your wings and all, you know? You've...risen above the clouds - "

His features went blank, before he groaned, raking a hand through his hair. "You didn't."

"Oh, but I did," I said, smugly. He playfully whacked the top of my head with his wing. "Why didn't you want to tell me what your name was?"

Risin shrugged. "I'm an angel of surprises." Suddenly, he frowned. "Someone is trying to wake you. I shouldn't keep you here any longer." True to his word, the world around us had begun to flicker as my body in real life stirred.

I sighed, not too eager to leave. "I don't even know if we're getting anywhere. Will anything in London lead us to Kelvin at this rate?"

"Nothing is impossible," Risin winked, and vanished into thin air, the sky paradise around us dissolving also.

Groggily, I opened my eyes to see Sarah glancing down at me, her arms on either side of my head, her mouth opened, as if she'd just finished yelling. "Oh, finally, you've woken up. You sleep like the dead. How have you not been killed in your sleep yet?" she admonished, leaning away from me and tying her hair into a messy ponytail.

My cheeks burned. "I'm sorry. Are the others awake?"

"They have been since early morning," Sarah replied. I looked at the certains behind her, and surely enough, bright light shone through the curtains. It must be nearly midday, I thought, feeling guilty that I'd kept everyone waiting. "Peter's been interrogating Ethan about scientists, and Ethan told him that we'd learn more if we went to a library, so we're going to the public library after lunch."

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