Chapter 6: shadow wolf | Eva

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Walking to the outskirts of Thyilellm was taxing, although I did well to hide my fatigue, not wishing for Kelvin to worry (even more) about me. We trailed behind Sarah and Peter, who were swinging the picnic basket between them, and Liam, who had joined us on a whim after realising that he would be left alone, since Lincoln was out on a date with Gloria.

"Did we have to walk all the way to the forest?" Kelvin grumbled, looking irritated. He carelessly tossed a dagger that he'd conjured into his palm up and down, and I feared that he would cut himself. Most of us were carrying a weapon; Sarah had the machete that she never parted with, Peter had his crossbow, and I had my bow and quiver of arrows. Kelvin and Liam were empty handed, since both could rely on their magic. "It's too far. Eva's already sweating."

My face burned red in embarrassment as I quickly wiped my forehead, unaware that I had been sweating. Everyone turned to stare, and if possible, I felt my cheeks burn even hotter. I wanted nothing else but to sink into a hole and disappear.

Sarah grimaced, sympathising, as she left Peter to carry the picnic basket alone, and walked over to me. "Oh, sweetie. You should've said something."

"I'm fine," I said quietly, still mortified. Inwardly, I cursed myself for being so weak. Ever since Gloria had warned me that my next vision could be fatal, I hadn't been able to sleep well. How could I, knowing that at any moment, I could die?

I could've died at the wedding. Miraculously, I survived. I doubted I would be so lucky the next time. I'd been travelling to the palace every second day to visit Gloria, who had insisted on regular check ups. So far, I hadn't had any visions since the wedding, which meant that I would have one very soon. They always came at some point, and the longer I waited for them, the worse they became.

Dreams didn't affect me in the same way, however. For some reason, dreams to me were almost peaceful (in a sense). Visions attacked my mind in a way that left it raw, cut open, and vulnerable. I was certain that at this point, half of my hairs were grey from the stress. Kelvin knew - of course he knew the visions were affecting me, but what could he do?

A few days ago, I'd travelled with Gloria to see the Cheshire Cat, who specialised in visions. If anyone could help me, it was the Cat. We'd kept the visit a secret from everyone, due to my reluctance to admit that my visions were becoming too much for me to handle. I knew it was nothing to be ashamed of - visions were not in any way normal - but it wasn't something I wanted public. Only Kelvin and Gloria knew, and I feared being judged by others.

I knew I was different. I knew there was something wrong with my mind. I didn't have to be reminded of it by others.

The Cheshire Cat - who now lived in a regular cottage in Eirazelle, passing off as a human named Lillian - had informed Gloria and I that my visions were something that both she and I were incapable of controlling. "Your visions are not caused by yourself. There is another foreign - yet familiar - driving force. I can do my best to protect your mind, but unless we discover the source of these visions of yours, we can never fully resolve the issue."

It was both reassuring and not at the same time. The Cheshire Cat's power was probably why my visions had been so scarce in the past week, but I wasn't complaining. If this could last for the remainder of my life, I would be indebted - and forever grateful - to the Cat.

A small part of me still desired to discover the meaning of my visions, however. Nothing happened without a reason. But for now, I was content.

After shooting a quick glance at me to check that I wasn't dying, Kelvin muttered, "I'm starting to think you guys have nothing better to do with your lives but annoy me." He indicated Sarah and Peter with a quick, sharp jab of his thumb.

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