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I bury my face in my cabin pillow with a smile, suppressing a giggle.

Percy likes me. He asked me out. Who knows if it's real, but for right now, I'm going to believe it.

I rolled onto my back. This feels... amazing. My head is full of thoughts of Percy. His smile when we talked, his kindness towards me in the infirmary... Speaking of infirmary, I'll probably have to go in tomorrow again. I really need to eat... Maybe Percy will visit me again. I hope he does.

Gods, I've fallen so far down in love with this guy. It's honestly pathetic, ha ha.


I woke up the next morning feeling dizzy. Dizzy like I'm going to pass out. My stomach howled and I was covered in sweat (thankfully I didn't remember my dream), and my head was achy, I felt like I didn't get any sleep, and I felt like I could puke any second. Disgusting, I know. Ugh.

I stood up groggily, and dressed myself. I followed the rest of my morning routine, rather slowly, and the exited my cabin. I hissed when the daylight hit me. My bones ached as I moved towards the beach, forgetting about sparring for the day. I sat down against a rock, and watched as people walked around, and listened to the waves crash into themselves.

Suddenly I felt nauseated. I closed my eyes, and leaned my head back. I need some water... I didn't feel like getting up, so I stayed like that, and my thoughts wandered. They bounced from how I was feeling to my date with Percy. We didn't even set a time or day, we were just happy that we would be going on one. Maybe I'll get to hold his hand... Creepy, Nico. I sighed.


"Nico!" I woke up to a face inches away from mine.

I blinked a few times, and the person in front of me spoke, "You okay, Neeks?"

I sat up groggily, and Percy sat next to me.

"Yeah," I nod. "Just needed some-" I paused, my head starting to pound, "-a-air." I placed my head on the side of my head, squinting my eyes shut.

"You don't look too good. Let me help you to the-"

"No, I'm fine!" I insisted.

Percy chuckled, "No, you're not. Come on, I'll sit with you."

Percy pulled me up and held me by my arms to keep me balanced as we made our slow journey to the infirmary. Plenty of times my knees almost buckled and I felt like I was going to throw up, but I collapsed on a cot soon enough.

I'm definitely not feeling well today. It's probably from a combination of not eating, drinking, having normal habits or patterns, and completely hating myself in general. Ugh.

Percy sat next to me, as promised, and told me to close my eyes. He said it would help, and he was right (never tell him I said that). Then he did something I didn't expect, but certainly didn't boycott--he slipped his hand into mine and squeezed it.

I smiled slightly, eyes still closed. I heard the door open, and heard someone (most likely an Apollo kid) walk in. I immediately tore my hand from Percy's.

I opened my eyes, and there was a blonde boy with a deep tan writing with a pen on paper. I can't remember his name, but I do remember how gorgeous he is.

I swore at myself. I have Percy now, I shouldn't be looking at other people. That's awful and disgusting, Nico.

The boy didn't introduce himself. He didn't say much, actually. He began checking on me, checking my blood pressure and my headache, and all that jazz. Percy had to excuse himself partway through, and left me with just he Apollo kid.

"All right, Nico-"

"You remember my name?" I arch an eyebrow.

Will hesitates to continue, "I remember all my patient's names."

I nod, "M-hmm."

He glances up at me, but doesn't speak. I guess my attitude effected him negatively; good, Apollo kids are way to peppy for their own good.

"You need to work on your sleeping patterns. You should also Dat and drink more, and-"

"I know."

Will nods, "All right. But, here, just in case." He hadn't me a paper of instructions.

I rolled my eyes, but that's when my eyes met his. His are a beautiful, lively sky blue. They're like an entrance to the heavens.

I looked away with a blush, and folded the paper into my pocket.


He smiled, "No problemo."

Sanctuary ● Nico di Angelo (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now