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The next morning, Percy brings me breakfast. I refused to eat it. I'm trapped in this infirmary for at least another day. I've been denying ambrosia and nectar out of my depression, but Percy dripped some nectar into my mouth. I do admit, my headache lightened after that.

I crossed my arms, feeling bored and angry because I'm stuck in such an uncomfortable place.

The door creaks open, and Annabeth walks in. "Hey, Nico, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine, thanks." I reply.

She nods, "Awesome." She the turns to Percy, "I need to talk to you alone."

Percy nods, "Okay. Be right there."

Annabeth exits, and I sigh, "See you."

"I'll be back soon." Percy assures.

I nod, watching him leave. Now what?

After what seemed like forever, Percy walks back in, looking like he'd just got done crying.

I frowned, and grabbed his hand, "Are you okay?" I scooted closers to the edge of the bed and leaned over to hug him. He gladly accepted, stifling cries.

"It's okay. Sh. It's okay, Perce," I assure, keeping our embrace tight. "Do you want to talk about it?"

He shakes his head, "Not right now..."

I nod, respecting his vulnerability. "Okay. That's okay. Take some deep breaths." He breathed in and out, in and out, in then out, in, out...

"There," I rubbed his knuckles with my thumb. "See, it's okay."

He moved from the chair he was sat in and sat up next to me on my bed, now taller than me. I hugged him again, and he hugged back. We stayed like that for a while.


Percy was quiet the rest of the day. He seemed to be a mix of sadness and anger. I dealt with it, of course. He gave me a lot more ambrosia and nectar, and I was released by dinner as long as I didn't engage in any physical activities for the next couple days.

I relaxed into my cabin bed, finally in comfort. Percy is at dinner. I wonder what Annabeth told him... I hope he'll be okay, he doesn't deserve pain like I-

I sigh at my thoughts. What do I believe anymore? Just the fact that Percy liked me changed at least half of my beliefs. What do I think now?

This boy has me all mixed up. The irony.


At dinner, I decided to go against Camp rules, and sat at the Poseidon table.

Percy still seemed down, and ate his food silently. When he noticed me, he smiled, but that was the only recognition.

"Are you okay?" I ask again.

He nods.

I nod in return, "Okay. When and if you ever wanna talk, I'm here."

He nods.

I look around to make sure no one is looking, and kiss his cheek quickly. His cheeks tint red and he looks at me with a slight smile growing. I wink.

"Thanks, Nico."


I sit next to him in a comfortable silence. I eat a little of spaghetti, but just a little. Thankfully, I don't think I'll throw it up this time. I also drink a glass of fresh water. Percy finishes at about the same time I do. We dump the rest of our food into the fire for our parents, and then we walk side-by-side away from the pavilion.

Neither of us have an idea of where we're going, but it's fine. "I'd like this." I share.

Percy nods, but doesn't smile or meet my eyes, "Me too."

I look around and make sure no one else is around, and I grab Percy's hand. He squeezes it, and I squeeze back. We keep walking, and I find that Percy has lead me to the beach. It's quiet and calm, but it's not too cold. It's nice.

Percy and I walk towards the water. Percy's feet is submerged, whereas I'm still on the wet sand. Hand-in-hand, we continue to walk. Really, this is all over dreamed of (no matter how corny it sounds).

Suddenly, Percy stops, and he turns toward me. I look into his eyes, and he seems apologetic.

"I'm sorry," he blurts. "I didn't mean to start ignoring you like I have been today. It's just..."

"It's fine, Percy." I assure, still holding his hand.

"Annabeth told me she liked me," he said, and I froze, suddenly scared and anxious. "I told her I didn't feel the same. We got in a fight, because it hurt her, and now we aren't friends, and this time I don't think we'll make up again."

Percy was on the verge of tears, so I hugged him. "It's okay, Percy, it'll be okay."

He nodded.

"It'll be okay." I repeated.

Him and Annabeth were best friends, as close as Percy and Grover. This must hit hard. They've been through so much together.

"It'll be okay. I promise, Perce."

Sanctuary ● Nico di Angelo (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now