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I sigh. This infirmary really is uncomfortable. I wish Percy would hurry back soon.

But in the meantime, what if that Apollo guy-

No, shut up, Nico! You have Percy! I curse myself in English, Italian, Greek, and Latin. I'm a horrible person. I'm just still unused to the idea of Percy and I.

I close my eyes as I rest my head against a pillow. I still feel weak. Probably because I'm supposed to be sleeping right now, but I can't, or I'll just receive a bunch of nightmares. Besides, it's the middle of the day, and I can't sleep with the light out. I need my cabin. It's so much better in there, and I don't need to worry about a thing in there.

I cough. Then I go back to resting my eyes. Hurry up, Percy.


When Percy finally arrives, it's during lunch time. He's caring to dishes with him, one holding blue pizza and one holding garlic bread.

I blush, "Th-thanks, but you didn't have to. It's hard to eat, so..."

"It's fine," he shrugs, "and don't worry, I'll force it down your throat if I have to."

We both chuckle, but I have a feeling he's not joking. I take the plate of garlic bread in my hands and set it on my lap. Percy sets his dish next to me on the bed and starts chowing down. I stare at my plate in denial.

You need to eat, Nico, you're extremely unhealthy, I tell myself.

I sigh, and lift up one of the bread slices. I take a tiny nibble off the corner, and almost gag it out.

"All good?" Percy asks, placing a hang on my shoulder.

I swallow hard, "Yeah. Just... eating."

My stomach rumbles. I sigh, and lift the bread to my mouth again. This is torture. I take a larger bite, and it takes me forever to swallow.

Then the feeling washes over me again. I freeze. "P-Percy..."

Percy stops eating, "Are you okay?"

I cover my mouth, "B-bucket, o-or something..."

"What about one...?"

I curse his stupidity, "Get me one, now!"

I feel it coming up my throat. Percy can't find one in time, so I vomit on the infirmary floor. Percy winces, and rubs my back as I puke what little was in me. When I'm done, I cough, and shakily lay down in the cot, ignoring the rest of my dinner. I move to my side, and hide my face behind my arms.

"You okay?" Percy asks, handing me a cup of water that he wasn't holding a minute ago.

I nod, and take a couple sips, Percy feeding it to me. When I'm done, I close my eyes. I feel a weight shift on the bed and realize that Percy is sitting down next to me. He holds my hand. He doesn't say much, but the gesture is enough.

"Th-thanks." I mutter.

"No problem, Neeks."

With that, I fall asleep.

Sanctuary ● Nico di Angelo (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now