Sand Dollar (Tom Holland)

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*Your POV*

"No way." I whisper, spotting a perfectly intact sand dollar laying on the beach shore. I lean down to pick it up, and suddenly I'm knocked over by a blunt force.

"Hey! Asshole! Watch where you're running!" I yell at the man who just collided into me. He takes out one earbud and stares at me.

"Sorry." He holds out a hand to help me up, but I'm pissed because I'm all sandy now. I take his hand and stand up to brush myself off. I look down and notice the sand dollar was crushed from my impact.

"Ugh!" I groan. It was rare to find a perfect sand dollar on this beach.

"Again, I'm so sorry. I was doing my morning run on the beach as a cardio workout, and I totally wasn't paying attention. It's my bad." The man offers, and I glare at him.

"Yeah. It is your bad." I huff angrily.

"Look, Miss, please let me make it up to you. I feel like shit now." He looks guilty, and for the first time, I notice how adorable his British accent is. Now that I'm less mad, it finally hits me—Holy shit it's Tom Holland! I just sassed Spider-Man into oblivion!

"What do you have in mind?" I ask nonchalantly, pretending that my mind isn't reeling.

"Uh—I could buy you an ice cream cone? Unless you don't like ice cream...cuz like that's okay too..." he mumbles nervously. I blush.

"I'd love that. I'm (Y/N) by the way, and I totally forgive you for making me crush the only perfect sand dollar on the beach." I smile.

"I'm Tom, and yeah...sorry about that. I'll try to help you find another one too." He shrugs before continuing, "Do you think I could get your number?"



*Tom's POV*

"And kids, that's how I met your mother." I tell our 3 children sitting in front of me.

"You bought mommy ice cream?" Our youngest daughter, Bella, who's only 5 years old, asks with wide eyes.

"Haha you knocked her over?!" Our middle child of 10 years, and son, Noah, laughs uncontrollably.

I look over at our oldest daughter, Penny, who is 12, and she just shakes her head at me.

"What?" I ask in defense.

"That sounds totally made up, Dad." She sasses me. She has her mother's sassiness, that's for sure.

"It's true." My wife states as she walks in and sits down next to me. She opens her hand towards them to show a sand dollar laying on her palm.

"This is the one he gave me on our first date to make up for breaking the first one. Your father tries to be only works sometimes. Some of his romantic gestures aren't the best ideas..." she giggles, and I know the time she's referencing to. I roll my eyes, but smile at her anyway. She's beautiful. She's the love of my life, and I thank god I ran into her on purpose over a decade ago... 😉

[DID YOU SEE THAT COMING? I did, but that's because I wrote it lol! ~M]

P.S. Tomorrow I'm gonna be on a plane all day so it's likely I'll be able to write a lot up long as writer block doesn't kick in...also I'm thinking about posting another preference after this. What do you think??

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