The BakuSquad Sleepover ft. Bakugo the Lying Bitch

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"Bye Katsuki! Don't do anything stupid while we're gone!" Bakugo's mom yelled as her and Bakugo's dad got into a cab.

They were going on some stupid, two-month long getaway to celebrate 15 years of being married or some shit, but Bakugo really didn't care. He just knew that he might have some peace and quiet for a whole ass two months.

Or so he thought.

Literally 45 seconds after his parents left, Bakugo heard a knocking on the door, followed by an "open the fuck up!" He sighed and and opened the door.

3 teenagers suddenly barged into his home. No, not strangers, he knew these fuckers all too well.

Kaminari, Sero, and Ashido. They were Bakugo's friends, whether he liked to admit it or not.

"I literally cant believe you get the house to yourself like this. It's unfair!" Ashido whined. Sero and Kaminari nodded their agreement as they sat the food and drinks they brought on Bakugo's floor.

"And what the actual fuck are you guys doing?" Bakugo asked.

"What does it look like? We're having a sleepover, be grateful I spent, like, 20 whole dollars on this stuff..." Kaminari said. Bakugo just sighed. He knew that there was no reason to argue because they wouldn't listen.

All of the friends sat in a circle around the coffee table as they talked and ate snacks.

"You'll never believe what happened on the way here Bakugo! Sero tell him!" Ashido said as she gracefully ate like 20 chips at once. Bakugo raised an eyebrow towards Sero, who cleared his throat.

"Okay so we were at 7/11 getting this food and some dickwad came up to us and called Ashido a whore because she was with two guys!" Bakugo cracked up at that because Ashido was a well known boyish lesbian.

They continued to talk on, and soon got onto the topic of relationships. None of the "squad" had boyfriends or girlfriends, and they tended to complain about that a lot.

Kaminari dramatically fell onto his back. "Why can't I get a goth gf?" He sighed and Ashido muttered a "same" through her chips. Now, the BakuSquad is very open to each other.

No details are ever kept from their stories, so that's why the next conversation wasn't the most awkward shit in the world.

"Literally though, I'm tired of jerking off to shitty ass porn that looks like it was filmed in 1994." Kaminari followed up. "What the fuck kind of site are you on?" Sero asked, but wasn't met with an answer.

"I get it. I'm a fucking babe I don't know why I haven't been wifed up yet." Ashido said. "Didn't you have a crush on Tsu-chan from fifth period?" Kaminari asked Ashido. She groaned.

"I got turned down!" She sighed and everyone patted her on the back, with a maybe next time.

Now, this was the point and time where Bakugo fucked up completely. See, he had this weird complex where he felt like he needed to be better than everyone else, which is nothing new.

"Why don't you guys just have sex then? That's what I do" Bakugo lied. Ashido choked on her chips. Sero's eyes widened. Kaminari sat up.

"YOU FUCKING WHAT?!" They asked in unison. Bakugo smiled cockily "You heard me."

"Who is she?? Is she in any of our classes?" Ashido asked. "How old is she? Does she go to our school?" Sero asked. You could faintly hear Kaminari gelling "OUR STRAIGHT GOD HAS SPOKEN"

Well, Bakugo did THINK he was straight, at this point at least.

"I'm not telling you guys. She's not exclusive..." he said slyly. Ashido choked AGAIN. "ARE YOU WITH A HOOKER?" She asked and Bakugo choked "NONONO! SHE GOES TO THE SCHOOL ON THE OTHER SIDE OF TOWN!" Bakugo sputtered.

"Hana Academy?!"

"Uh, yeah sure?"

"I have some friends that go there. I'm gonna infiltrate. We will find the mystery bitch, even if we have to hack the school system!" Ashido said, with a "YEAH!" from Sero and Kaminari.

Bakugo sighed. He wasn't gonna get out of this one that easily.


word count: 726

Yo yo

How do you guys like it so far?? Please let me know? Also, who do you guys ship Ashido with? I still haven't decided what girl I wanna ship her with...

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