YaoMomo, the Tea Queen (let the games begin)

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The boys stared at each other in silence and awe for a straight 5 minutes until Kirishima cleared his throat.

"Well...I have to go home, sadly. I have school and I still have to go to the fuckin' store" Kirishima said, standing up from Bakugo's bed. Bakugo stood up behind him, attacking him from the back with a hug. He wrapped his arms around Kirishima's waist, burying his face into the nape of his neck.

"We need to hang out again soon..." Bakugo said, his voice muffled by Kirishima's skin. Kirishima chuckled "Of course we are. After that, I don't think I can stay away from you for very long" he said and he felt Bakugo smile. Eventually, Bakugo pulled away and stepped back. Kirishima felt cold again, which made him pout.

"Well, I'll text you later. Bye!" Kirishima said, walking out of Bakugo's front door. He walked down the sidewalk, contemplating what the fuck just happened.



Reality set into Kirishima's mind as he realized what just happened. He felt his heart start to race and he almost had to sit down. He tried to ignore it as he walked quickly to the store. All he wanted is some milk and a normal heart rate, but it looks like he has neither.

Eventually he reached the store and grabbed the first gallon of milk he saw. We walked down the isle and spotted a familiar black ponytail looking at different teas. It was YaoMomo, and she managed to be here at the perfect time.

"YAOMOMO" he said loudly, walking down the isle to see her. A look of concern spread across her face as she spotted him.

"Kiri? What's wrong, you look like you got ran over" she said, only half joking.

"I need to talk to you, can we go outside?" He asked and YaoMomo nodded as they headed to the check out. They paid for their things and went outside. YaoMomo looked at Kirishima expectantly. "So?"

"Uhm, Bakugo, er, we, uh" Kirishima stuttered out, not making any sense. YaoMomo sighed "Dude, spit it out" she said bluntly.

"BAKUGO FUCKING KISSED ME" Kirishima said loudly, earning a few stares from strangers. YaoMomo looked at him with eyes wide.

"WAIT REALLY?" YaoMomo said loudly, earning even more stares.

"FUCKING YES AND NOW IM IN LOVE THERES NO TURNING BACK" Kirishima explained, basically sounding like a siren at this point. He and YaoMomo proceeded to jump around like 13 year old girls on Christmas.

"KIRI IM SO FUCKING HAPPY FOR YOU" YaoMomo said, out of breath from jumping around. Kirishima only made a SUDJJDFJJTDKGN sound in response.

Eventually, the two teens went their separate directions as Kirishima walked to the station. Luckily, a train was already there to take him home. Before he knew it, he was face down on his bed. As he was nearing sleep, his phone buzzed with a text message.

From: Bakugo

bakugo: did you get home ok?

kirishima: Yeah! I just got here, actually. I ran into YaoMomo at the store

bakugo: nice. good night shitty hair

kirishima: Goodnight! 💤

Kirishima fell asleep with a smile on his face, thinking about Bakugo.


"Rise n grind gamers let's get this bread" Bakugo heard Kaminari say as he sat down in the desk behind him.

"What the fuck does that even mean?" Bakugo asked, genuinely confused. Mina walked up to the desk Bakugo was sitting in.

"So, how was your day with your little girlfriend yesterday, Bakugo?" Mina asked, making Kaminari and Sero choke.

"MINA WHAT TEA HAVE YOU AQUIRED" Sero asked. Mina chuckled and leaned on the desk.

"I mean, come on. You didn't answer my texts on a Sunday. One can only assume you were getting pus-" Mina began, only to get cut off by Bakugo.

"Shut the fuck up before you get us in trouble. No, I don't have a girlfriend" Bakugo said, not lying but not completely telling the truth. Mina raised an eyebrow, not prying any further.

Class began, and Bakugo felt relieved that he wouldn't have Mina interrogating him anymore. He did want to tell his friends about Kirishima, but he didn't know how to start. He decided he would let their little game of trying to figure out his girlfriend go on.

Bakugo smiled to himself. Yeah, the end point of the game will be when they find out he's trying to get with Kirishima...

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