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A buzzing stopped in me in my thoughts mid way. I slipped out my phone out of my pockets to see a glow on the glass and a the name Jieun across the screen. She had sent me a message.

Wanna come over?

I was a bit sceptical about it, but the thought that she was roommates with Chilwu was enough to influence me to go ahead.

That was random lol sure but im only gonna stay for a bit, I have class soon

I hurried my way over there after shipping away my message.


"I would say welcome to my humble abode, but you've been here before so... Come in." she invited. I walked in and the familiar scent represented in my nostrils gave me bone tightening chills. Is this perhaps Chilwu's scent? But she wasn't even here. And I had been eager to see her.

Jieun continued on the mood with telling her bubbly jokes and I couldn't help but laugh and right at that moment, the door had slammed behind me. She's... here. I felt her walk past us and take a seat on the bed. She hadn't noticed me yet. The mood she dragged in with her had been gloomy and hinted with exhaust. I hope she's okay.

I spoke up louder so I could catch her attention. "Want to get lunch before my lecture starts?" I asked, maybe she would have wanted to join. I felt Chilwu's attention towards us now and I had a smile quickly play on my lips and I felt satisfied. She acknowleged me, she noticed me.

Caramel  -Book II- knj ✅Where stories live. Discover now