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"E-excuse me." A chain of my thoughts broke off by the sudden inturuption. It was Chilwu. "Is this yours." she asked handing me my jacket. She knew it was mine? Or was she hoping it was mine? But all that didn't matter at the moment, was this going to be our offical meeing? Was I finally going to be able to be next to her more and hear her voice more often?

"Yes, thank you." I said taking the jacket in my hands, an awkward enviornment seemed to cloud me, I had no idea what to say at this moment, and she slowly walked away, but I couldn't leave it at that. I had to say something.

"Lee Chilwu." I called out. she turned and looked at me, I swam in her glare full of curiosity and... hope.

"I loved your poem." I saw as her expression changed, it glowed of excitement and delight, and I was happy I could get that from her. I turned around and started to look at a satute I was previously looked at. I felt that if I had looked any longer I would have just gone up to her and given her a hug for some reason.


Caramel  -Book II- knj ✅Where stories live. Discover now