I did what I felt like was right... - Chapter 8

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I was doing what If let was the light thing to do. I didn't know exactly what I was doing, but I knew I had to something. 

4 and a half hours non stop. I had lots of time to think and to think about where my life may go. I didn't know what might happen. I got off the plane and here I was Puerto Rico. I don't really know how I go here or why this may be, but it was just what had to be done. When you come to a bump in the road you don't just quit. You stand back up and fight until there is nothing left. I knew we didn't go through all we did to just end up going to divorce. I knew there was a lot to discuss and a lot to work through. We were strong, we can work through anything. 

I found where Gabby was staying. It was a tiny little house that she had rented out for her time here. She was planing on staying for 3 months just before fall when she would come home and have to deal with things. I couldn't wait three months. Are you kidding me... 

I knocked on the door... proud and firm. She opened the door "Matt..."

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