onward- ch. 16

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I was being preped for surgery. They started to give me meds to calm me down and get me ready for surgery. Of course for the operation I was going to be under general anesthesia. The nurse looked at me " ok it's time..." Matt kissed my head " I'll be here when you wake up..." 

I got into the OR and the doctor was right there. He smiled with his eyes being that he was wearing his mask " ok Gabby it's surgery time..." The anastesoligist started administering the Anastesia. The doctor looked at me " ok... count back from 100.." I closed my eyes " 99..98..97...."

Then I was out. The doctors did their work...

a few hours later 

The doctor came out to update Matt " hi Matt..." Matt asked " she ok..?" The doctor smiled " she's  just fine... she did great. We were able to stabilize everything... there was a little bleeding but it wasn't anything we couldn't handle. She should be waking up within the next hour... everything wet great!" I looked at him " thank you! you don't know how long we have been waiting to hear good news... and the fact that we can safely try and get pregnant..." He looked at me " of course... It might be easy and I won't lie you may need to take a different route but things are looking good Matt." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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