the risk is there- ch. 13

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There was a lot to take in and a lot to think about. Truly I want the surgery I want to take that risk away. I want more of a change. I want to have my own family. I feel like there are so many things that are telling me I'm not meant to be a mom. Truly thought his is what I want. I want to have a baby. I want to be pregnant. I want to feel that. I have been advancing myself and working on us. We will never stop that, but I just see so much more. 

Matt looked at me " the surgery... what were you thinking..." I looked at him " we should lay all our option out and talk it through... but I think I want to get the surgery..." Matt looked at me " you know I only worry because I don't want to loose you and we have to talk about it together... no making our own decisions. We need to figure this out as one..." I nodded " of course... the risks seem small but I know they are big if something does happen." I nodded " maybe we should think about freezing some of my eggs if something does happen... just as a precaution..." Matt looked at me " no.... I'm no going to loose you..." I looked at him " baby... if some were to happen to me not just because of the surgery... but like what if I get in a accident... I want you to still have a small little part of me..." he looked at me " I only want you..." 

We came to a decision the surgery was happening all the risks or none at all. This was my health and this what we just had to do. 

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