surgery day- ch.15

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It's was surgery day. Today in hopes to fix the anryzum and get what I want in life. I want to carry our future children. I want to be pregnant and giving birth. I want to go through what every other mother goes through. I want to feel all that. Surgery day was hopefully going to make all of that possible for me. 

We got to the hospital early. I got admitted, gowned, and ready for surgery. Matt and I were spending the few hours we had left before surgery together. Matt held my hand " everything will be just fine... I will admit I was nervous for this... but I think this is right..." I smiled " everything will be ok... the doctor knows what he's doing and you know I'll have to recover for a few weeks then I can continue working here and we can continue our lives together..." Matt smiled " that's a good way of putting it I guess..." 

The doctor came in " hi guys... we ready!" I smiled " yeah... I am!" He smiled " ok good...well I just wanted to walk you guys through the procedure one more time before we take you in ok..?" Matt nodded " sure.." The doctor talked us through everything " like we talked about the surgery is minor.... we will be going in labroscoprically.... there are some risks like with every procedure but everything should go smoothly as planned... then after you will have to stay here 2- 3 days then you can recover at home and I don't want you going to work until 4 weeks post-op. We will see you back at my office in 3 weeks for a post op appointment and I will do another re-peat internal ultrasound and exam to make sure your healing how I want and just to make sure everything is good..." I looked at him " sounds pretty routine..." The doctor nodded " it should only take 2 hours... ok so their preping the OR now... I'm going to go get ready for surgery..." The doctor turned to the nurse " nurse... let's get Gabby preped for surgery..." He smiled " ok guys it's go time.." 

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