second opinion- Chapter 12

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We had to get a second Opinion. There had to be more to this. I couldn't just believe that we can't have a child naturally. I couldn't believe that I would never carry our child. There had to be some sort of solution. There had to be something for us. 

Matt and I got ready to see a specialist here in Puerto Rico. We got lucky that a specialist from the states works down here. I guess this means everything will work out. We will get the answers we need. 

We got to the doctors and as soon as we knew we were already being taken back to the back room. They took my vitals and did all the basics. The nurse looked at me " and your here to see our fertility pregnancy specialist..?" I smiled " yes we are." She looked at me " and what brings you into our clinic today.." I looked at her " well a few months ago I saw a specialist bak home in Chicago... she diagnosed me with a iliac artery anarzym... she said my ectopic pregnancy from a few years back might have cause it and that getting pregnant would cause some risks..." She nodded " well ok... were going to do our best to give you more answers..." I smiled " ok..." The nurse reached into a cabinet getting a gown out, she smiled " I'm going to need you to undress and  put this gown on... it will open in the front... and we will be back in just a few minutes..." I started to undress. Matt looked at me " a full workup I guess..." I looked at him " they probably just want to run all their bases..." Matt looked at me " well their throughough I guess that's a good sign.." 

A few minutes later...

there was a knock at the door... I yelled " come in..." The nurse came in following the doctor. The nurse looked at me with a pleasant look " Gabby this is Dr.Cain.." He smiled " nice to meet you Gabby... and this must be your husband..." Matt smiled " Matt.. nice to meet you doctor." The doctor sat down reading over our history " ok so a specialist diagnosed you with a iliac artery anarzym based on your ectopic pregnancy a few years ago..." I nodded " yes.." He looked at me " I'm sorry... now I'm sure they explained that it is possible to get pregnant and the risks are slim about 20% of the anarzym bursting but thats not something you want... if it bursts that will be fatal..." I looked at him " right... we just want a second opinion to know where we can go next..." 

He nodded " well that's why I'm here... so today were going to do a full exam and work up.  I'd also like to do an internal ultrasound to get a closer look a this anarzym and just to get a better look..." I nodded " ok..." He instructed me "ok Gabby why don't you like back now.." I lied back this was it. The doctor nodded " ok now just scotch just a little bit more..." The doctor started the exam " you might feel a little pressure..." He started the ultrasound "ok so there's the anarzym... it's not to big but definitely something to raise a little bit of concern... and then there's your uterus..." 

The doctor clarified everything " Everything looks good... the anarzym is something that is a little concerning just with the stress of pregnancy. I would recommend.. this has been done much but Would recommend getting the anarzym clipped and more controlled..." Matt looked at the doctor " what does that mean...?" The doctor looked at us " we would mobilize it.... and that would take the risk away... now I'm not saying the surgery isn't risky.. theres a small chance that it could be unsuccessful but in all times that this operation has been done it's been successful." I looked at Matt " so this gives us something to discus..." The doctor looked at us " discuss it... we can get you in for surgery as soon as next friday so think it over and let me know how you guys would like to proceed..." Matt shook the doctors hand " thanks doctor..." 

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