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"Pearl?" Asked the towering, glowing diamond.
The pearl cowered forward, attempting to seem confident, "Yes my diamond?"
"I was going through yellow's mission reports and I noticed a Jasper sent to earth still hasn't returned, despite a ruby retrieval team being sent. Why hasn't that Jasper returned yet?"
The pearl began to panic, she remembered reading the report and how the crystal gems stopped them all. With the help of a new creature... "well, m-my diamond." She spoke nervously, "A Steven interfered with both missions, causing both teams to be stranded and presumed shattered." White diamond turned her head slowly, the faint look of curiosity mixing with a look of anger.
"A Steven?" She said.
"Yes my diamond."
"Tell me pearl, what exactly is a Steven?"
Pearl's mind began to race, she was trying to construct a sentence that would perfectly answer her diamonds question.
"Well, you see- my diamond I mean- A Steven is a recently discovered species on Earth. As far as our resources say they are a hybrid species or both human and gemkind. The only known one so far is a Steven with a quartz gem that leads the crystal gems."
White diamond clapped her hands together, causing a loud snap to erupt throughout the room. "Perfect. That's exactly what we need!"
"I'm sorry my diamond but what exactly are you referring to?" Pearl inquired.
The tall gem began to laugh. A maniacal, hallow laugh. "Our gem warriors are too weak to compete with these hybrids. However...if we were to create our own, we could easily overpower the rebellion and being the galaxy to its knees."
"M-my diamond, this is a dangerous idea that could lead to a large loss of gem life. Due to homeworld's current structure, it would be impossible to compensate for it without destroying the planet!" Pearl yelled, adjusting her hair. White diamond suddenly snapped her head around, narrowing her large eyes to focus on the small pearl. It was only then that she realised what she had done; she had freely expressed her opinion on a subject.
"Pearl." White diamond said, her voice surprisingly calm, "did you just criticise your diamond?"
The small servant began to tremble. "My dia- my lustrous diamond! Forgive me please! I did not intend to disrespect you!"
"Then what did you intend?"
Tears were forming slowly in the corners of pearl's eyes. She wasn't going to make it out of the conversation fine. "Well, I did not intend anything. I merely wanted to point out a flaw within the plan that could cause future issues."
"To whom did this plan belong to, pearl?" White diamond whispered, gently stroking pearl's cheek.
"To you my diamond." Pearl whimpered, accepting what would happen next.
"So just like me, my plans are perfect. So when you criticise one perfect thing, you are also criticising every other perfect thing." The diamond hummed, her voice calm and gentle. Her eyebrows suddenly furrowed and her hand scrunched up into a fist. "including me!" She yelled, slamming down onto the pearl and destroying her form. If the pearl knew what was good for her, she wouldn't reform until her diamond had calmed down. She sat down in her tall throne and curled her black lips into an evil smile. She knew exactly where she would get the gems, she had a surplus of quartz warriors. And she knew where she could get the humans... she just had to persuade blue. However, she wasn't just interested in creating more warriors, she wanted better leaders. Blue and yellow were pathetic, over emotional and cowardly. It was easy for her to craft a diamonds gem but she knew she wasn't going to waste it on a weak human from blue's zoo. She wanted humans right from the source; from earth. Everything was going to be perfect.

Just like her.

Authors note:
Ahhh! This is honestly so much fun to write! I should also mention this is meant to take place slightly before "legs from here to homeworld" so that's why she doesn't know that Steven's gem is actually pink diamond's gem. If you have any questions or criticisms feel free to comment! I'll be happy to respond.
Oh yeah, if you liked this story maybe give it a vote? That is if you want to though.
I'll try and update whenever I can and I'll try and make other chapters longer!

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