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"Oh, my diamonds!" The agate chirped, suddenly straightening her posture and forming a diamond with her hands. "Please follow me and you shall receive your palanquins, pearls and other necessities. All three of you shall also have a specific task awaiting you, as appointed by my lustrous diamond."
The agate began to walk off, with Red and Lavender following. Rachel stood by the door with her head hung in embarrassment whilst Violet stood beside her; her arms folded and a scowl imprinted on her usually calm face. "What about Rachel?" She said loudly.
The agate suddenly turned around and began to tremble, now suddenly nervous and aware that she had upset a diamond. "Purple? Oh yes- of course! I ap-apologise Violet diamond." The agate continued to walk again and Violet began to catch up, gently guiding Rachel beside her. They had finally exited the building and had a clear view of homeworld. The towering skyscrapers and beacons of light filled every corner of their vision. Upon what might as well have been a landing strip, were four palanquins and a large array of gems. They first stopped at a tall lavender one. The pyramid-esque roof was glimmering. It had been made of mirrors. Inside was a white tall throne, silky lavender curtains and the comfiest of cushions. It was obvious it was made for Lavender. Stood nearby the curtains was a thin lavender pearl, with its gemstone in the exact place as Lavender's. It's outfit matched hers too and she was slightly shorter. Beside the pearl was a Peridot. Her uniform was decorated with a lavender diamond enigma. "Lavender diamond. I hope you find this suitable for you." Agate said, gesturing towards it.
Lavender began to smile widely, "It's perfect!" She climbed inside, slowly followed by her pearl and the agate.
"Now. In the corner there should be a control panel. White diamond has tasked you with the soul. Your task is to oversee the creation of gems. This includes, deciding if it is necessary for extra gems to be created, plotting kindergardens around the universe, dependent of where would be suitable, examination of gems to ensure filthy defects and off-colours do not join our society, deciding the purpose of gems and communicating with high class you have any questions don't hesitate to ask your pearl! She was created and programmed to assist you in any task you ask her to." The agate left the palanquin and walked to the next one.
The second palanquin was less elegant and more geometrical. It was shorter, with straight, blocky shapes engraved into the walls. On the inside was a red throne with a spiky, angular top, a triangular desk is that sat in-front of it and long tubes of red light that were attached to the walls. The light flowed like a liquid yet didn't touch the lining of the tubes. Stood outside was a red pearl. Its face seemed stuck in a constant angry position, similar to any stereotypical movie solider. Beside it was also a jasper guard. Both were stood as still as statues. Red walked inside and the agate followed; with the pearl and jasper marching behind her. Red slumped in her throne and the agate stood before her. "Red diamond." Agate said, clearing her throat. "White diamond has tasked you with the body. Your tasks include, war strategies, conquering planets, training our soldiers and preparing planets for kindergardens through any means possible. Even if you have to demolish species."
Red leaned forward and rubbed her hands together. "War? Wonderful!"
Agate left the palanquin and guided Violet to hers, trying to ignore Rachel as she did so.
Violet's palanquin was simply stunning. It was slim and tall; however it was only slightly shorter than Lavender's. The shimmering violet walls were accompanied by large shelves that reached the roof. Upon each shelf we're rows upon rows of communicators and holograms. Within the centre, concealed behind a rather comfy-looking chair, was a giant heart-shaped piece of machinery. It had tubes protruding from it that dug deep into the floor, like roots on a tree. It also appeared to be faintly beating. That was considered to be the heart of the database. Stood outside was a violet pearl and a Peridot. The agate suddenly pushed them all inside. "Now...Violet. White diamond has tasked you with the mind. Because of this, you shall deal with rouge gems, cataloging all information, broadcasting and tasking gems with missions and also other judicial tasks. This peridot has been specifically programmed to be able to recall any information required. It can also analyse a gem and inform you of which one it is specifically. The communicator on your desk is only for talking to diamonds. Meanwhile the others can be used to communicate with bases upon different planets. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask your pearl."
Rachel was sat awkwardly outside Violet's palanquin. The agate had told her to stay outside whilst she spoke to white diamond. She assumed it had something to do with the fact that she was completely forgotten about. Violet suddenly appeared next to her, slumping herself onto the next step up. Rachel looked up at her and could see her eyes filling with tears. "Violet? Are you okay?" Said Rachel, going to hold her hand.
"They're ignoring you, purposely." Violet whispered gently. "I promise I never will. This power has gone to their head."
"What are we gonna do?" Rachel whispered back nervously.
"I don't know. Just don't let it change you. You were an amazing person on Earth. You're still the same person now, you've just got a chunk of diamond stuck into your skin."
The agate suddenly appeared again and Violet had disappeared. "Now, Purple. Your palanquin awaits!"

This chapter took slightly longer than expected. Either way, I've still got to thank everyone who included my story in their reading list. Especially Blue_Pearl10101 , Thank you!!
I'm hoping you're enjoying it so far!

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