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The four girls sat inside a cell together. They were weary, confused and panic stricken. Except for Lavender. She was stood by the cell door yelling at every guard that passed. "How dare you disgusting freaks kidnap me!" She screamed at a passing Topaz, "Wait until my father hears about this! You'll be in so much trouble then!"
Red had slumped herself down in a corner, she was angry too; but not at her kidnappers. She was angry at herself for not fighting back. If her dad found out that she lost the game, got kidnapped and forgot how to defend herself...she would've been in so much trouble.
Violet buried her head between her knees. She felt trapped, like the walls were closing in. She assumed they were no longer on Earth due to the fact none of the guards looked human and she had also never seen a place like this before in her life.
Rachel was still frozen with shock; she had no clue what was going on. She was also the only one of the four that had caught a glimpse of a large group of humans being sent through a door; all of them were chained up and pleading for freedom. Despite all of the terrifying things surrounding her, she wanted to stay determined; she knew it'd be best to remain positive. Rachel shuffled herself next to Violet and rested her hand on her shoulder. Violet's head sprung up and hit the back of the wall.  She let out a loud yelp that made Rachel jump back in surprise. "Sorry. Are you okay?" Asked Rachel. Violet looked back at her, adjusted her glasses and mumbled back "yeah, I guess." There was an awkward silence between the four of them. Suddenly a thin, lanky and incredibly pale woman appeared from nowhere. A pearl resting on her stomach. The cell wall dropped down and the girls were individually picked up by amethyst guards.
"White diamond requests your presence, Stevens." Pearl said. Lavender went to protest but was silenced by an amethyst.

Suddenly the girls were no longer in the "prison"; they were stood before a towering woman whose head emitted a blinding white light. They had to squint to look at her. "Greetings humans" she bellowed, faking a large grin. "I see you've settled down on homeworld now? That's great. Now remember not to get too comfortable for you'll soon be going to our new storehouse. You'll love the result!" She scooped up the four girls within the palm of her hand and brought them close to her eyes.
"After all..." she began to laugh, "as you humans say...Diamonds are a girl's best friend."

It wasn't long after that the four of them were separated. They were thrown into dark separate cells with only a single window to look out of. The bright stars of the not-so-far-away galaxies faintly illuminated their cages. It wasn't long after that a Peridot approached each cage and dragged them off to separate laboratories. Rachel squinted her eyes, straining desperately to see the room around her. She was strapped down to a cold, metal examination table and a large, bright light was being shined on her face. The "peridot" (as her peers called her) glared at her with a faint sense of sympathy. She suddenly cleared her voice and walked towards a bright white button. "Now." She said, monotony, "if this doesn't go well it will only hurt a little...right before your cells dissolve and you die. If it does go right, however, you will be in immense agony and might even loose consciousness." Before Rachel could even comprehend what she just heard, the peridot slammed down the bright white button and a loud drilling noise erupted from nowhere. The bright light in-front of Rachel's eyes was welcoming and swallowed her vision before she blacked out.

She awoke once more in her cell, savouring the sweet fact that she was still alive. Her senses were slowly sharpening, like an old computer loading the internet. The first thing that returned clearly was her hearing. She could hear two people arguing.
"What do you mean she's defective, she's a diamond!" The first voice yelled, in a tone slightly too calm to match her words.
"Forgive me my diamond but I have noticed two slight errors. Her gem is slightly misshapen and it's a shade off." The second one stammered.
"Well there any other side affects for her?" The diamond asked
"N-no not at all."
"Do any of the others display defects?"
"Somehow no! It seems we were lucky with the diamonds. The quartzes on the other hand all failed. Is blue diamond aware of what happened to her humans?" The other gem asked, her voice a quivering state.
There was a long pause. The diamond then spoke, "No. She won't ever find out either. Her distress would be even more irritating to deal with than her mourning. Please leave my presence, I wish to welcome my new starlights."
"Of course my diamond."
Rachel stared down at her stomach and suddenly felt dizzy. She had to be sure she wasn't dreaming. Her fingertips rested gently on a cold, plum-coloured diamond. It was upside down and slightly misshapen. The door to her cell opened and she was greeted by a familiar voice,
"Hello starlight, are you ready to meet your friends again?"

I'm so sorry it took longer than expected to get this chapter out! I've had a tad bit of writer's block lately. I'm really looking forward to the next bit, but I'm not gonna spoil it for you!

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