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When the other diamonds arrived, purple had already awoke. The reconditioning hadn't happened yet, it was obvious it hadn't. Purple was screaming and thrashing about on the table, her cries of desperation shook lavender to her core. Before now she'd been kept inside her palanquin; meeting gems and being worshiped like royalty. She turned to Red, she looked less like a teenage girl and more like a cold-hearted general. She looked completely unaffected by the scene before her.

And she was.

Red turned to Lavender and frowned. "Why are they doing this?" She said annoyed, "there's no point. She's defective and no amount of reconditioning will help her." Lavender nodded but internally disagreed. Pur-Rachel was as much of a diamond as the rest of them. Probably even more. She cared too much for them and that was her downfall. If she was selfish like Lavender or power-hungry like Red or maybe even too scared to disobey like Violet,
maybe, just maybe, she wouldn't be strapped down to that chair.
Suddenly, white diamond entered the room. She walked over to purple and stroked her cheek gently. "Starlight. A little pearl told me you're not ready for the responsibility of being a diamond? Is it true?"

Purp-no, Rachel was red in the face from crying. She coughed loudly in between sobs, trying to calm herself down. This only caused her rate of breathing to increase and her crying started again, even harder than before. She suddenly let out a loud, ear-piercing wail. "I want to go home!" She sobbed. White's eye began to twitch and she walked over to the control panel. She turned sharply back to Rachel and looked her deeply in the eye.

"This is your last chance Starlight." White smiled, her teeth grinding together slowly, "apologise for your silly game and I might let you go back to your duties." Rachel began to cry even louder and white snapped. She extended her single manicured fingernail over the button...suddenly she stopped.

The gem on Rachel's stomach was glowing faintly, gradually increasing in brightness. A faint maroon aura began to expand from the gem and filled the room. The delicate glass windows shook violently and shattered upon the spot, the electrical devices were glitching- as though the signal was being interfered with and everyone began to feel tears fill the corners of their eyes.

Everyone except white, red and violet.

Lavender felt her chest tighten, she was petrified. She felt as though a sudden impending doom was about to destroy her. She was holding back tears and avoiding the gaze of her fellow diamonds. She was meant to be powerful; she was given the most responsibility out of all her peers and yet she was the only one who was affected. It was illogical...unless she wasn't as strong as she thought. The screaming was echoing in her ears, accompanied by her own blood beating loudly like thunder. Her hands had scrunched themselves into fists and her entire body shook. She didn't want this to happen. But it wasn't her responsibility. The maroon aura began to fade and she felt her chest decompress. The tears that were forming in her eyes disappear and she no longer averted her gaze. She could've swore that out of the corner of her eye she saw Violet wipe away a tear, however she didn't want to get her hopes up. Rachel was looking ill. She was still sobbing, but it was more gentle. She was still trying to break free of her restraints, but her movements were more sluggish. Her skin was pale and her eyes were sunken. Her breath was shorter and her eyes were struggling to remain open. She looked as though she was in the brink of death. White cleared her throat and spoke, "Are you finished with your little melt-down starlight?"
Rachel refused to reply and shut her eyes tightly. White's brow furrowed and she spoke in a stern voice, "well then, I'll speak to you after your reconditioning. Maybe then you'll be more co-operative." Her finger slammed down and the button and a surge of electricity flowed from the panel.

Rachel gritted her teeth together and her body thrashed against the cold metal table. Her pupils dilated and her hair flew out into large spikes. Her body twitched and she screamed in agony. Red folded her arms and sighed, annoyed that she had to watch this. The electricity stopped. "Are you ready to come back yet Purple?"
Rachel looked up and laughed, suddenly putting on a cocky demeanour. She was going to die, she knew it. she only had two choices in this situation; go along with it, obey orders and forget who she was or fight back and maybe prove to the others that they don't have to become another puppet under this corrupt woman's control. She laughed a long, arrogant laugh and then spoke. Her voice was hoarse. "My names not purple."
White slammed the button down again and turned up the voltage. It had to work, it had to. Rachel's vision began to fade, black dots circulated the edge and everything was going blurry. She felt a warm liquid began to trickle down her nose and something strange was happening to her gem. The skin around it crackled faintly, like when she used to get pins and needles. But she has to stay conscious, she had to. The electricity stopped again and her ears were ringing.
White suddenly appeared next to her and her gritted her teeth, "Are you done Starlight?"
Rachel spat right in her face and Violet gasped. How dare she disrespect white diamond like that? A crackle of light formed around white diamond and she began to yell. "You disgusting waste of flesh! How dare you! I gave you everything, and what do I get in return? You want to leave!" Lavender began to shake, she'd never seen white diamond this angry before. She especially didn't want to be on the end of her anger. White diamond slammed the button down so hard that it broke and the electricity was turned to its highest rate. The lights began to flash red and a siren began to blare. There was a large puff of smoke and dozens of gem shards began to fly everywhere. Lavender gasped...they'd done the worst thing ever. Violet and Red walked away, there was no need for them to be there now; after all, the topazes would be disposing of The waste. White diamond stared at the limp girl laying motionless on the table and the shards that stood beneath her feet. She turned to Lavender and spoke sternly. "Leave. Now. Forget it ever happened." Lavender trembled and dashed back to her palanquin. She couldn't believe it. They'd just- they'd just got rid of her that quickly. She clutched onto the shard in her palm and placed her other hand on top. Suddenly a bubble formed around the gem. It floated to the top of the palanquin, shining and reflecting a purple light upon the floor.
"My diamond, are you ready to gain your first colony?" Lavender pearl said, entering the palanquin. Lavender jumped and moved a curtain infront of the bubble, hiding it from sight.

No one would ever know what happened.

Maybe it was for the best.

Oh my stars! That sure was something to write. 
I have to thank ztron42 for voting for my story, it really means a lot! Don't worry, there should be another book to come soon. Stay tuned and it should be published soon. I hope you've enjoyed this!

Thanks for reading!

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