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Violet stood on the shoreline, the sandy water surrounding her feet then pulling away; causing the remaining droplets to make her purple sandals glisten. Ahead of her was nothing but the ocean. She always dreamt of swimming away and never returning. Maybe then she could make something of herself. Behind her glasses she felt a tear run down her cheek. She was crying without even realising...again. She pulled her sleeve down and wiped away her tears, it was getting dark; she had to get home soon. Suddenly, there was a noise and a bright light in the forest nearby. Uncle Thomas always told her to stay away from there because there was something dangerous in there, but violet didn't like Uncle Thomas. She didn't trust him. Slowly but surely she made her way to the forest edge. The call of gulls and splashing water was being drowned out by woodpeckers and something breathing further onwards. Naturally, violet would turn the other way, walk home and settle down for the night with a good book and cup of tea. But for some strange reason the forest gave off an aura of adventure; something she'd craved for a while. Thus she set off into the forest, walking down a path of slightly trampled grass that led to a peculiar sight. Deep within the woods was a crystal. Or what Violet believed to be a crystal. It was big enough for a group of people to stand on and it glimmered brightly in the now setting sun that shone between the leaves. Violet knelt down to inspect it and suddenly someone stepped out of the bushes. Violet sprung to her feet and stared the woman in the eyes. She had large locks of pink curls that fell down past her shoulders, large lips that had a pale pink tint to them and what Violet believed to be a large pink gemstone broach that sat in the middle of her chest; however Violet couldn't see a chain. The clothes she wore had a slight military-esque style to them; a pink leotard with a white diamond upon it. She began to approach Violet. She began to back away and tripped right upon the giant gem in the floor. The giant woman held onto Violet's arm tightly and stood on it with her. Suddenly a large blinding light engulfed the two of them.

Lavender was bored. She sat within her second bedroom and gazed at her golden furniture. There was nothing left for her to do. Father had bought her everything she could ask for to make up for him leaving her for the next year. He said he was going on a business trip and Peter (her butler) would look after her. He was boring and old. She wanted even more than this stupid mansion. She wanted the galaxy to revolve around her. She wanted to sit upon a throne and watch countless people worship her as though she was a goddess...but she also wanted the attention of her parents. Her father was always working and her mother had ran off with the boy that cleaned the pool filter. She wanted praise from no just those lower than her, but from someone with even more authority than her. She gazed out of her windowsill to the forest that surrounded her household when suddenly a bright blinding light projected into the sky. Then, just as quick as it appeared, it disappeared again; leaving only a dark forest. Lavender ran out of her room and down the marble staircase. She pushed open the large brass doors and ran to where she thought the light came from in her silk slippers. She somehow ignored how much mud had caked them. When she arrived her eyes were as big as saucers. A giant diamond was trapped inside the ground; with only the top half protruding. She knew instantly that this must've been the source of the light. Lavender began to jump upon it, believing it would light up merely by her presence when suddenly out walked a tall woman with pink hair and a large rose quartz gem on her chest. Lavender suddenly got defensive; "Hey!" She yelled, "hands off! This is mine now!" However the woman ignored her and stood beside the girl. The floor began to glow and suddenly they disappeared.

A young, red headed girl began her way back home from baseball. Her team had lost. Again.  So far this season they had ignored her strategies and lost. "If it weren't for their ignorance, we'd've conquered the league by now!" She thought to herself, angrily. Over the last few games, after loosing, Kim (or Red as her family and friends called her) would take a slow walk home through the forest and occasionally take her anger out on the odd tree or two. Today was different. Red had tripped as she was walking. "For fricks sake!" She yelled as scrambled to her feet. She swung her bat upwards and prepared to beat the devil out of whatever had knocked her over; however, she'd stopped and dropped the bat. It wasn't a root or upturned stump that had tripped her up but instead a glistening small stage. She tried to take in what she was standing on when suddenly a tall woman appeared beside her wearing a pink uniform with a white diamond on. She jumped and instinctively went to reach for her bat...but she didn't have it. It had rolled into the bushes. The tall woman's hand grasped tightly on Red's baseball shirt and the stage began to glow. Despite how much Red swore and begged she didn't let go and suddenly they were engulfed in light.

Rachel was running away. She'd decided months before and only now had she done it. Her parents wouldn't care. Nobody would. She was going to start a new life in the middle of nowhere and be happy, be free. She stumbled her way through the woodlands, completely and utter lost. It was only in this moment of desperation did she notice a giant pink woman a few metres ahead. Rachel ran up to her and poked at the back of her arm. "Excuse me?" Rachel said, "Could you help me find my way out? I'm lost"
The large woman turned and smiled at her, "Why such a polite young girl, where's your parents?"
Rachel began to squirm, "don't tell anyone but I ran away, they're never home anymore."
The woman looked worried at first but then smiled again. "Don't worry my dear." She spoke, "I know somewhere you can go. Let's just get out of the woods first." She held her hand out the Rachel.
Rachel began to hesitate; she knew how bad strangers could be but nothing could be worse than being at home with nothing at all again. She took ahold of the woman's hand and followed her deeper into the woods. Rachel wanted to turn back but the woman's grip was too strong. They stopped at a large diamond like stage and the woman pulled out a gem. It lit up and another strange woman appeared. "Rose quartz from earth mission. Calling to report purple located. Warping back now. Calmer than others." The woman on the other side nodded and the gem stopped glowing and the hologram disappeared. The floor beneath Rachel suddenly lit up and the woman began to smile. "Don't worry purple, you're going to your new home!"

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