Violet's Vacuity

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The curtain was closed and the bright, blue light of the database illuminated the room. Her pearl followed her closely, her mouth slightly agape. Violet assumed she wanted to engage in a conversation but refused to; mainly because of how foolish it would be. No pearl upon homeworld would dare to interact with a diamond unless the diamond talked first. She slumped slowly into her seat and squinted through her glasses. Somehow it was harder for her to see through them now, as though she no longer needed them. "Preposterous!" She thought, "I've always needed glasses!" She threw them off in a fit or rage and to her dismay her vision improved. She was wrong. Something, maybe the diamond that now lay upon her palm, had caused her vision to improve. She suddenly began to think about Red. She remembered how her freckled face was going red; but not due to embarrassment. Something was happening to her and she knew if it was happening to Red, it would happen to her too. Violet's head began to spin. The blood in her ears was throbbing louder than ever before. She stood up and began to walk towards the exit.
"My diamond, where are you going?" Pearl asked nervously.
"I'm getting out of here!" Violet asked, her voice cracking out of fear.
Pearl looked up in horror, she knew if Violet left, white diamond would shatter her. She grabbed the destabiliser and pressed it deep into the back of Violet's neck. However, instead of poofing, she merely collapsed to the floor. She'd blacked out.

Violet awoke strapped to another table. She was worried that she was to have another gem. But it was of having a bright light and needle infront of her, there were multiple wires attached to her forehead. She began to worry even more. What terrible torturous devices would they use this time? Suddenly Lavender appeared from nowhere.  "Hello Violet." She said, smiling.
"Lav, let me go. Please!" Violet began to plead.
Lavender let out a long laugh, "silly little Violet. It's not my choice. White sent me here to watch your reconditioning. She was alerted by your pearl that you want to leave. Why?"
Violet yelled loudly, "this place is a prison. Hadn't you realised yet? They're saying we're in positions of power yet we can't do anything! We're trapped!"
Lavender approached her slowly, her eyes twitching slightly whilst her smile remained. She suddenly slapped Violet hard across the face.
"This is why she left you a task. How are you supposed to lead a colony if you're still so childish?" Lavender said, a hint of anger in her voice. A large switch suddenly rose from the ground and Lavender grasped tightly onto it.
"Now Violet, are you going to behave and go back to your task or are we going to have to do things the hard way?"
Violet began to sob, "please Lav, j-just let me go. We can go get the others and leave!"
Lavender's eyes darkened and her focus turned to the switch. "I guess you want to do things the hard way then. I didn't want to do this but you've left her with no choice. I'm sorry Violet but you need to realise you your mistakes." The switch was pulled downward and a strong bolt of electricity soared directly into Violet's skull.

Violet diamond awoke. Her new form was perfect. Her large, curly afro had been combed into something more controllable. Her boring earth attire had been corrected into a more grand, authoritarian attire. She wore a long, violet dress with long, puffy sleeves and lighter violet embellishments upon the top. Her palanquin was awaiting her outside. She simply needed to get back and finish the task White diamond had assigned her. She loved the power she had over the weak gems.

The database was close to completion. The resources she had been given were almost exhausted and she had received a message from a fellow diamond. It appeared to be from Rac-Purple. Hopefully it was more reports. She opened the message and read it carefully.

Hey Vi, u wanna meet up later? This stuff is sooooooo boring >:(
- Rachel. :)

Violet was bewildered. Why was Purple referring to herself as Rachel? Her message was far too informal too. Too unprofessional. Something wasn't right. "Maybe a reconditioning would improve her behaviour" she thought. Violet opened up a message to white diamond and began to type.

Dearest white diamond,
It has come to my attention that purple diamond has become reckless. To avoid another pink situation it would be advisable to send her to reconditioning. I thought it would be necessary to alert you.
- Violet

She sent the message and knew she had to reply to Purple.

Greetings Purple,
I am pleasured to receive a message from you. However, due to my assignments, I am incapable of meeting up with you. I am free in five centuries. Please contact me later on.
- Violet

She felt bad that she lied to Purple. She was never going to be free. However she did wish that she might've been. Red was distracted by her new conquest and no longer contacted her. She missed her pretty red face, curling dark red hair and cute laugh. Violet wanted to stop thinking about her. It wasn't right for a gem to think of another that way. She needed to focus on her work, or else a reconditioning would be necessary again. A message suddenly appeared from white diamond.

Violet, red and lavender diamond report to the  reconditioning suite. A fellow diamond requires assistance.

She knew immediately it was about purple

I feel bad for doing this to Violet, she was the closest thing Rachel had to an older sister. :(
There'll probably be about like two more chapters left after this. I hope you didn't get too attached to Rachel (like I kinda did oops)

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