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everything was so sad and since my cookie for you wasn't enough, here have a semi-happy chapter :)

- CHAPTER 31 -

Beverly and Bill have been dating since almost 8 months now and Stan is kind of over it... kind of.

Stan swears he isn't in love with his ex-best friend anymore but his stares and daydreams tell him otherwise.

What can he do? Bill is just so gorgeous.

So there was Stan, in the kitchen, barely eating it, it became soft since he just stares blankly at nothing. He was just so confused. Why was his dad mad at him; yet he's the one that raped Stan.

Stan also felt very dirty recently. He tried showering more than once a day but it wouldn't really help.

He tries to avoid his father and finches every time he says something. Stan doesn't even want to look him in the eyes.

But, Stan got closer to his mom lately. She's been very nice and caring and Stan is very thankful for that.

"Stan, there's someone at the door who wants to talk to you.", Stans mother entered the kitchen and smiled at him sweetly as Stan nodded and got up from his place.

He quickly put the bowl with the cereal in the sink and ran towards the door, wondering who could be the 'someone'.

He was not gonna lie, there was a little spark of hope that it would be Bill. Maybe he wanted to apologize or something.

The small spark got killed as Stan reached the door, seeing his annoying friend with the glasses who greeted Stan loudly, "Stan the man!".

"What're you doing here?", Stan asked as he wiped a sleeve across his forehead before dropping his arm at the side of his body, sighing quietly.

"Wow, nice to see you, too.", Richie tsk-ed pushing his glasses to the right place, "I just wanted to ask you if you'd like to come over. Eddie is already there, waiting.", he continued, shrugging.

"Yeah, lemme ask my mom first.", the jewish boy informed, ignoring his friend's eye roll while he went to the living room, looking for his mother.

"Mom? Can I go over to Richies?", Stan decided to call out since he couldn't find his mom who was probably upstairs in her room or something.

"Sure, sweetie!", Stan's mother called out too but then found her son as she came out of the kitchen, "Are you sleeping over, too?".

"If you don't mind.", Stan shrugged, half-smiling at his mother who gave him a hug.

"Alright. Come home whenever you want to, okay?", she pulled away and grinned as her son turned around to leave the house, "Have fun!", she yelled after him as the door shut.

Stan was very thankful for his mothers positive attitude even though he was wondering from where it came from.

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stopping this chapter here because i'm tired,, sorry .x

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