Chapter 2: The beginings

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"Why did I have to come!?!!" Tenshi whined for the fifteen time since they left heaven.

"Will you stop, I'm trying to think!!!" Akuma scream very unhappy about his constant whining.

"I want to know why I had to come" Tenshi keeps demanding

"It's none of your business"

"For your information, it is I got dragged into this, I could be doing something actually wroth my time right about now" Tenshi sassed

"and whats that, jumping on clouds "

"What! of course not thats a stupid stereotype you demons invented. And if youd really like to know, I was going to do my homework"

"Then will you stop complaining! and just do them you have a lot of time before we arrive"

"Fine Ill do my homework" Tenshi sassed, pulled out his bag, opened it and took out his notebooks, manuals and crayons. After taking everything he needed out of his bag, he finally started his homework


A few hours later.

Tenshi got really tired of doing his homework thats when he realized Akuma never answered his question. Why did he have to go and get the princesses?

"So why did I have to come you never told me" he decided to ask.

"can you stop asking me questions, its none of your business"

"Yes, it is and you will tell me

"just stop taking its not that hard!

"come on its not that hard, just tell me what I want to know" Tenshi said Like why are we here? Why did my parents tell me to go get two strangers with another stranger? Why do I have to go get the princesses? Cant a guard just go? Why me....

Then right after that comment, some horns appeared on Akumas head, he looked furious. He took some paper and shoved it in Tenshis mouth.


Then Tenshi took the paper out of his mouth and started looking out the window "someone got anger issues" Tenshi thought to himself. After about 5 minutes Akuma calmed down. "He's not a prince, but a goofy, spoiled child" Akuma though.


"It takes 3 days to get to the portal of Hemisphere and after we'll have another 3 days to go back, that means we have 19 days to find and convince the princesses and their parents" Akuma explains.

"Okay, I still don't know what is going on, why I had to come, and why does two of us had to go get the four princesses"

"Well I don't know, your parents invited me to go and study at the Academy, and then they just randomly told me to go get the princesses as well"

"Oh, you should of told me that from the start, and youre really going to study at the Royalty Magical Academy, awesome! I hope you like it there as well as the others" Tenshi exclaimed excitedly.

"Thank you, that's very nice of you"

"We should probably get some sleep now"

"Yes, good idea, good night, Prince Tenshi"

"You too, Prince Akuma

They each want in their individual bed and closed the lights. Before finding the dreams, Tenshi remembered what appended on that same day in the audience room, were his parents called him in the audience room to only tell him, he was going to go to Hemisphere, with the Prince of hell, that he never met, to get four princesses that where much as Akuma, strangers to him.

Start of Flashback

"Father, Mother, why did you call me to the audience room?" Tenshi asked looking very puzzled.

"Well, we want you to go to Hemisphere with this gentleman right here, and get the four princesses, and bring them back to the academy, summer vacation is almost over, and you probably already know that classes restart in about 3 weeks and 4 days"

"WHAT! BUT I DON'T WANT TO GO" whined Tenshi.

"No buts, my sweetie, you'll do as your father tells you to do" the Queen told her son.

"Yes, mother"

"Good now you will go and pack your bags, you too, Akuma, you will leave today" announce the king.

End of flashback

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