Chapter 9

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After saying her finals goodbyes, and then berried her grand-fathers, Tenshi fond it very akward to be standing behind Natsu that appeared to be praying for her grandpa.
"May you Rest In Peace in the deathless soul" Natsu ended.
She got up walked away from where he was berried.
"I'm sorry for your grand-fauther he must of been a great man" Tenshi exclaimed politely giving his condolence to his new friend.
"He was a great man, he took me in, after my parents death, he didn't even know me" Natsu murmurs loud enough for Tenshi to here.
"So umm, I don't want to sound rude or anything but I was wondering if you want to come to Royalty Magical Academy" Tenshi asked very akwardly. Remembering the fact that he and Akuma came to hemisphere with the hope of finding and bringing the four princesses to there school.
"Well I have no other place to go, I guess so" Natsu murmurs looking at her grandfathers grave.
It was a hole dug into dirt, where they installed the body that was enveloped in leaves of multiple colors, some green to brown even some bright red almost the same as the young girls hair, those where the symbol of the eastern kingdom. After the body was installed into the hole, Natsu, covered the body with dirt. Afterward, she started a little ritual in honour of the dead, the ritual of the deathless soul was to certified the passage of the soul to go find other soul to the world they would live there till the last individual how knew you, dies.
"Great, we should probably get going, we need to get the northern princess" Tenshi whispered hoping she wouldn't have heard him.
"I am not coming to get the other princess with you, you'll bring me to the school, to start with!!" Natsu exclaimed.
"B..but I..I'll will lose my bet to Akuma..." Tenshi started whining but remembered the last events and looked at the dirt grave, he really wished he could of had a stone one. "Okay, I'll bring you to Heaven" he turned around and started walking to the small forest next to the house, that is now none. He unwilled his sword, he also put his right hand into his pocket and took out a small white-to-blue sphere.
"Why do you have a temporary teleportation sphere?" Natsu asked.
Tenshi looked at Natsu, with a confused look, asking how she knew what was the sphere since that whitish-blue ball could only be found in Heaven into a sky castle that was almost impossible to get in. This extremely rare artifacts where only usable once and could teleport two voyager anywhere they liked, this item was only usable with the help of the Heaven-Goldilocks sword.
"How do you know about this artifact?!" Tenshi asked surprise.
"Well, I read it in a book" Natsu explained.
Tenshi still a bit surprised, locked back into the forest direction, closed his golden eyes and hold up the artifact.
"By the power of Goldilocks, and this Telisphere, teleport us to... HEAVEN!!!" Tenshi casted the spell, at the end, he launched the Telisphere into the air and slashed it in half, and it disappeared, the sword stared glowing a whitish-blue colour, that was indenticule to the light of the small sphere and contrasted with the gold nuggets. The blonde boy stabbed a tree that stand infront of him and cut a vertical line into the tree. Taking Goldilocks out of the trees split. A portal of the same colour as the sphere and the swords blade appeared and Tenshi turned around.
"The portal is ready, it's heading to Heaven" Tenshi exclaimed, after turning to look at Natsu.
He walked into the portal followed by Natsu, after a moment they were found into a very different environment...


Sorry guys, I didn't have lots of time to upload this story. I'm not sure when the next chapter is coming out, but I hope I get the time for it.
Well, do you like it, hope so!!!
Bye, guys.
And... see you next chapter!!

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