Chapter 6

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When the incident occurred everyone was worried but sone after everyone was speechless infront of was they were seeing. The young girl with a brown cape, ran towards the carriage in hope to save the child, she then rolled out of the way caring the little brown headed girl. Once that action was done, the brown cape was flying up in the sky's above, and everyone saw the flaming red hair of the young hero that stands infront of them.
"Thank you, Thank you, so much for saving my little girl" The child mother came running to her daughter giving her a genuine and loving hug.
Now that the child's mother has broken the uncomfortable silence the atmosphere was more breathable. The rest of the village, then realized that Natsu was from the kingdom of the south, "She not dangerous, she did save this child after all?!", "She never stole anything from anyone and she does come every day!", "She does live with the doctor of the village in the forest and she does help him a lot!", where some of the things the villagers explained to the others.
"Why are your hair on FIRE?!! Do you need help? We need water, w... where is it?!!!" Tenshi screamed flabbergasted by her hair.
"Will you calm down!! There my natural hair colour" Natsu replies by screaming at him, a bit awkwardly and very uncomfortably about his stupidness. "Everyone in the southern kingdom has this kind of coloured hair" she explained more calmly.
"You come from the southern kingdom? Really?"
"Well, no dahhh"
"So you probably know where the lost princess is?"
Then everyone and Natsu where thunderstruck by this sodden and uncalled from question.
"What... of course not... she's lost, she disappeared 9 years ago, everyone knows that" Natsu exclaimed
"Oh" Was what Tenshi had the time to say before he got dragged to a corner by the red head.
"Ok, why are you searching for me for" was what she asked.
Tenshi was confused for about 15 seconds before he finally figured, he was standing before the one and only lost southern princess, that survived to the terrible new south king actions.
"Y-y-your the lost princess" was what Tenshi answered.
"Yes, now what do you want?!" She asked impatiently.
"Well, my parents, the King and the Queen, would like you to start attending the Royalty Magical Academy in Heaven"
"Yeah, and that negative"


"HEY, COME BACK, YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!!" Akuma screamed flying in the sky with his black devilish wings. It's been 4 hours, that he's been flying around trying to find this little platinum blonde bubble of energy, and another 30 minutes chasing after her.
After what Akuma said, the princess Aki turned around on her cloud and pull out her tongue.
At that time, the village that where experimenting this not so uncommon event.
"What's going on?" One villager asked
"It's probably the princess, that ran away, again!" The second assumed.
"It looks like her parents, got her a catcher!" A third villager exclaimed.
"It's about time" One villager caring an apple basket, entering the conversation.
Aki that was not paying attention to what was going on around her didn't realize that when she turned around to stick out her tongue at the black head, she was officially about 2 feets away from a very tall tree.
"CAREFUL" Akuma screamed, but he was to late Aki ran into the tree and fell unconscious, "Oh lord, how am I going to explain this to her parents" Akuma exclaimed looking at the unconscious blonde, very disappointedly and desperately.


Natsu, is the southern princess, who didn't see this coming?!. (Probably everyone saw it coming its so normal that every characters that are presented in the first few chapters are super important)

Hope you like this, Love ya, and see y'all later, bye!!!!

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