Chapter 10

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After wondering around the eastern castle, Akuma found Princess Aki hugging a uniform man, that seemed to be the Eastern's Royal Butler.
Each dimension possesses a Royal Butler, there job is to verify the
"its so nice to see you again, it's been so long!" Aki scream.
"You too, Princess, but we saw each other, hardly four days ago" The brown headed man answered.
Akuma, walking in the direction, and heard this much of there conversation, was about to talk when.
"Oh, and you must be the student, that will escort the princesses to your school" He exclaimed after turning to face the black headed boy, finally getting out of Aki's grasp, "follow me, I'll bring you to the audience room" then, Akuma started following the eastern royal butler, and Aki was left behind but soon followed few minutes after when they where turing the first corner.
When they finally got to the front door of the audience room, "The King and Queen are having a audience with one of there messager, so they might make you wait because they probably aren't done, let me go inside first" The Butler suggested, when they where infront of the door to the room, and he entered the room leaving Aki and Akuma behind.


"Chimon, are Royal Butler explained that you're looking for are daughter to bring her to heaven. You're name is Akuma, correct and your the prince of hell, well it's really nice to meet you" The eastern King said, looking at the boy.
"Correct, I'll be the western, and eastern escort to heaven's, Royalty's Magical Academy" Explained the young demon.
"Princess Haru, is probably reading somewhere in the castle, the problem is knowing where" The Queen informed.
"do you have any ideal of where she could be" asked the red-eyed, black-headed boy.
"Yes but it might take a while, it's a lot of ground to cover" The Queen answered.
"Right" The boy answered, and turned to Aki "we should divided are selves into groups, covering the grounds will be easier that way" was the prince's, then he turned back to the ones siting in their trowns "your majesty's will you give us your help?" Asked Akuma, looking at the Eastern Royalty's.

"It will be are pleasure" Answered the King after turning to look at his wife, how nodded.
"Let's also make her siblings look as well" said the Queen.
"Great ideal, it'll be faster that way" Exclaimed the King.


It been nine hours since the audience and there's been no new's of any of the group about what there searching. Akuma's and Aki's group have been chosen to the searching ground of the Royal garden.
"I'm so done with this!!!, we already searched 347 of the hiding spots, the queen appointed to us, and we still have no trace or clue of where she could be. Plus, where not even close to done, we still got the hole garden, and plus some secret garden Haru's been working on, that the Queen has no clue where that could be" Aki exclaimed, laying on her floating cloud.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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