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'My mind is almost corrupted. I must take Clay somewhere safe. Monstrox and Merlok must never know about him.' Wanda thought to herself as she grabbed Clay from her hidden home and ran off. "Mommy, where are we going?" Clay asked confused. She stopped for a moment and bent down to his level. "Clay, we are safe. Remember what I told you about the bad man who works with Mommy?" Clay nodded. "Well, he did something to mommy and I need to get you to safety, okay?" 

"But what about you? Can't I help? You told me that my magic was powerful," Clay pleaded. Wanda nodded. "Yes, I know, my Shining Eagle, but what is happening to me it's almost complete and I don't want to hurt you. What is happening to me is causing me to turn evil, I don't want you to grow up evil too. You're magic is powerful but it is also dangerous at your age. You might make a mistake and corrupt yourself. My Shining Eagle, you are a brave boy and I know you can handle yourself." Clay nodded and the two kept going. 

A few hours later, they arrived at the village of Dnullib. Wanda went down to Clay's level. "Clay, I have to go get help with the evil running in my veins." 

"Mommy, I want to go with you," Clay pleaded. "My Shining Eagle, I know you do but you can't. You have to stay here, I promise that I will come back for you." Clay nodded with tears coming down his face. Wanda also had tears coming down her face as she hugged her only child. "I love you, My Shining Eagle."

"I love you too, Mommy." Wanda let go of her hug and ran off leaving Clay alone. Wanda left Clay a bag full of his favorite foods and items for him to survive on but Clay didn't want to leave his mother so he followed her an hour after she left him. 'I want to help mommy in any way I can. She needs me.'

Wanda ran and ran. She was heart-broken because she had to leave her only child behind but she also had no choice. Clay would have also turned evil if he stayed with her. She kept running until she ran into the forest. She tripped on a log and clenched her head in pain. 'No! I refuse to turn evil.' Wanda fought with all her might to resist the dark energy inside her but it was too late. She was now completely evil, her last thought before turning completely was, 'At least Clay is safe.'

Clay was watching from a distance and could feel that something was wrong with his mom. Young witches and wizards can feel their parents and vice versa. When a witch's child in danger, she can sense it from over a thousand miles away. If Clay was feeling scared or upset, then his mom could feel his fear from anywhere in Knighton. 'What's wrong with mommy?' Clay wanted to walk over to his mother but since he could feel something was wrong with her, he decided not to. 

Wanda stood up and smiled evilly. "Finally! I can now help the master." Wanda heard the laughter of children. 'A village... perfect to show my evil power and show Knighton the evil of Ruina Stoneheart!'

Merlok was getting reports of a witch attacking several villages and he had a bad feeling at who it was. His sister, Wanda Moorington, he knew something was wrong with her. About five years ago, she told everyone that she needed a temporary leave of absence and she was gone for about six to nine months then Monstrox had been committing evil deeds with the Forbidden powers and Wanda was affected by them. Now, he had a bad feeling that his sister's evil transformation has now completed. "I must save Wanda before it's too late." Merlok left the castle to stop his sister before she could do any damage. 

Everyone was running in fear of the witch that was attacking him. "You can't run from Ruina Stoneheart!" Ruina shouted. "Wanda!" Ruina turned and smiled at the sight of her brother. "Well, well, well, if it isn't my goody two shoes brother, Merlok!" 

"Wanda, stop this! Please, let me help you return to the side of good!" He pleaded. "NEVER! Being evil is so much more fun! I should be thanking Monstrox or should I say, The Master, for doing this to me." And so, a fight between good and evil, brother and sister, began. Each opponent was an equal match. To avoid hurting any of the people in the village, Merlok teleported him and his sister to an open field. Unbeknownst to him, he also teleported another one with them. The nephew he never met, Clay. 

Clay clinched his head at the teleportation spell. 'Note to self, when mommy gets better, ask her how to teleport and not feel sick.' There was one thing on his mind, though. Who is that man fighting his mom?

The fight between Ruina and Merlok was going nowhere. Merlok was trying to use every healing spell he knew to save his sister but nothing was working. Merlok had no choice, he had to subdue her in order to keep Knighton safe. 

Something was wrong, Clay could feel it. The wizard fighting his mother was trying to help her but nothing was working. 'What is he doing?'

Merlok began to power-up his wand with the spell he was going to use to subdue to Ruina Stoneheart. 'I'm sorry, Wanda.'

'He's going to turn mommy to stone!' Clay ran out of his hiding spot to help his mother. "Mommy!" Ruina turned to see her son running to her. "Clay!" Before Merlok could process what he heard, he already fired the spell. The spell hit both Ruina and Clay turning them both to stone. 

Merlok walked over to his sister and the little boy he turned to stone. One look at the boy and he knew immediately who he was. "Wanda had a son. I'm an uncle." Tears started to fall down Merlok's face as he fell to his knees. He was unable to save his sister and now his nephew was gone as well. "Clay..." He whispered hoping he got the name right. Merlok stood up and wiped the tears from his face. 

Ruina was standing like a statue and Clay was holding onto her dress for dear life. It was obvious that he wanted to help his mother but his magic probably wasn't developed enough for him to stop his spell. Merlok took them somewhere where he hoped to one day restore them and save his sister and nephew. 

Technically, since I don't know how Ruina left Clay behind or how Monstrox corrupted her with evil, I made up my own story. This is an AU and I can do whatever I want. Hope Y'all enjoy my story. See Y'all next time and let me know what Y'all think.

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