Freedom. Where am I?

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I'm glad Y'all liked the first chapter. I wanted to make to as emotional as possible. I, myself, had a hard time not crying when I made the chapter. On with the story!

The last thing Clay remembers was his mother saying his name and him grabbing her dress to warn her about the wizard attacking her. Now, he is surrounded by a talking cloud, a scary electrical clown, and a lot of stone monsters. And there was this female stone witch looking at him funny. "Who is this brat?!" The monster cloud shouted. "Why does this "Ruina Stoneheart" have a kid with her?" The electrical clown said. The only logical thing that Clay thought to do was run. 

He just ran and ran. He ran until he couldn't run anymore. It was night time and Clay was exhausted. He fell to his knees and at this point, he noticed his hands. His hands were made of stone. He gasped in fear. Hesitantly, he walked over to the lake and looked at his reflection. What he saw made him jump back in fear. He looked again in case his eyes were playing tricks on him but sadly they were not. He was made of stone. His eyes were yellow and every part of him was made of stone. "What... what happened to me?" Clay asked himself fearfully. 

 Some distance away from where Clay was sitting at the lake, staring at his reflection, a couple saw him. Thinking he was a lost child, they walked over to him to see if he needed help. "Hey, are you okay?" The woman asked. Clay turned to her and once they realized he was made of stone, they ran off screaming in terror. "Wait... where are you going?!" Clay asked confused. He couldn't hear much of what they were saying but he did hear, "Monster... evil... run away!" 

"But... I'm not a monster..." Clay said with tears in his eyes. Clay looked around and ran off again. Clay only had one thing on his mind as he ran off, find someplace safe away from the monsters from earlier and away from other people. It took him a while but he found a small village. 'This is Dnullib... mommy was going to leave me here... I hope she's okay...' Then Clay realized something, the female stone witch was his mother. He left her behind. He shook his head. He can't focus on that right now. He needed to get somewhere safe. 

Clay walked into the village quickly and quietly looked around. He spotted a light blue hoodie and a blanket on a clothing line. Clay knew that he had to steal those items in order to survive. He quickly grabbed the items and left the village. Clay knew that he needed to hide since he was considered a threat. He found a cave that he could fit in. So, he crawled into the hole and once he saw that there were no wild animals, he knew that this cave would be his new home. 

"What am I gonna do? Mommy's gone... she's evil now... I don't have anyone..." Clay put the hoodie on him and wrapped himself with the blanket. Clay started to cry with big dinosaur tears coming down. He was so confused. Everything was different now. He may have recognized Dnullib but it was different then what he remembered. 'I... I must have turned to stone with my mom. We were brought back to life but... how long were we frozen... days... months... years...' Clay didn't know how long he was frozen with his mother. 

All Clay wanted to do was sit in this small cave and cry. He missed his home, his mom, and his real skin. Clay then remembered his magic. His mother always told him about his powerful magic maybe he could cure himself. Clay looked around the cave and saw a small rock. He concentrated really hard to activate his magic to lift it up but it didn't work. 'Maybe I'm out of practice... I need to work harder to cure myself and if I cure myself then I can cure my mommy.'

With Merlok

Merlok had been through a lot in the years he had been a wizard. He has seen people come and go. The worst was him having to turn his sister and nephew to stone. He never intended to harm his family but he had no choice. Wanda was hurting others but Clay... Clay only wanted to protect his mother. Now Merlok was helping the Kingdom by helping the NEXO Knights stop Monstrox. If the Knights can defeat Monstrox then Maybe his sister will be cured and Clay will get to grow up properly. 

Currently, the Knights were trying to save the queen, Macy's mother, from Monstrox. Aaron and Macy were going after her capturers while Lance and Axl went to stop Jestro. It was a tough battle but they eventually won and saved Queen Halbert. 

When the Knights returned what they told him rocked him to the core. "Merlok, a witch named Ruina Stoneheart kidnapped my mom!" Macy told him. "We were able to save her but Monstrox and Jestro were able to escape with another forbidden power," Aaron told him. His sister was alive but there was no mention of a child with her. 

This meant one of two things. Clay was alive but was now evil alongside his mother but she made him wait at their hideout or, Merlok's worst fear, Clay is gone for good. He just hopes that Clay is alive even if that means that he is evil.

I have school coming up so updates will be slow. I will update when I update so please don't ask me about updates. Thanks for reading. See Y'all next time!

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