Helping Clay Adjust

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Hello, my beautiful readers! Yes, I am done with my college finals and boy they were rough. Some tears were shed but everything is okay now. I can return to making my awesome stories. Enjoy!

When Clay woke up, the first thing he noticed was that he felt warm and comfortable. At first, he thought that he was home and what has happened in the past few months was all just a nightmare but then he noticed that the room was not his room. 'Where am I? How did I get here?' Then Clay remembered meeting a bunch of Knights before he passed out. 'I guess they brought me here but... why?' Clay brought his knees to his chest and wrapped a blanket around him. 

'What do they want with me? I'm in so much trouble, they know that I've been stealing food from Dnuillb.' The doors opened and a boy with orange hair and freckles, who looked a few years older and a girl with long red hair came out. "Hi, Clay do you remember me?" The girl as calmly. Clay looked at her for a few minutes then remembered she was one of the knights from earlier. "M... Mace?" She giggled at his guess. "Close, Macy, Macy Halbert." Clay froze at the name. Macy Halbert was the princess of Knighton... how... how long was he gone? "Princess Macy?" She nodded sadly. "Yes, this is Robin. He's a good friend of mine and we wanted to help you." Macy sat down on the bed since Clay didn't move as she and Robin walked closer. 

"Clay, you are not in trouble. We know you're scared and we want to help you," Macy told him. Clay bit his lip nervously. "Macy... how long was I frozen?" Robin and Macy looked at each other then Macy looked at Clay. "You've been gone for about 13 years."

Clay covered himself with his blanket and started to cry to himself. He knew he was gone for a long time but not that long. "Clay, it's okay. Robin and I are here to help you. Would you like something to eat? You've been asleep for a few hours and we thought you might be hungry." Clay looked up at the sound of food. Fresh food sounded so good after stealing from people's homes and trash cans for the past few months. "Yeah... can we have Mac-and-cheese?" Macy smiled and nodded happily. "Of course, my friend Axl makes the best mac-and-cheese ever!" Clay smiled, got up, and walked with her and Robin.

"I never got to introduce myself. I'm Robin." Clay smiled and looked at Robin. "Hi, Robin," Clay said quietly. His mother often told him that he was very shy around others. "Clay, I know you're afraid of everyone here but you don't have to be. We are here to help you." Clay took his words in and nodded slowly. He was just confused. They knew his name somehow... he never told them his name maybe they know his mother. "Macy, how did you know my name? I don't remember telling you my name." 

Macy thought to herself on how to get out of the pickle she was in. She knew Clay didn't trust Merlok so she would have to tell but the truth but not the whole truth. "A good friend of ours knows and your mother." Clay perked at this. 'Maybe it's someone who's on the wizards council.'

Clay was about to ask but they arrived in the kitchen and he could smell the melted cheese and cooked pasta. "Hey, Macy. Hey, Robin. How's it going?" A deep voice asked. Clay looked and saw the biggest guy he's ever seen in his life. "Whoa!"

"Hey, Clay. My name is Axl. We figured you might be hungry and my family has the best mac-and-cheese in Knighton." Clay nodded, sat on a chair at the table, and Axl gave him a bowl of mac-and-cheese and a glass of milk. "Thanks, Axl."

"Clay, if you need any help we'll be in another room. Just shout for one of us." Clay nodded and Axl, Macy, and Robin left. This left Clay time to think to himself and eat. Everyone has been so kind to him compared to a few months ago. 'Maybe it's because I look different.' 

Clay continued to eat his food in silence. He just loved the food Axl gave him. When he finished, he looked and saw that he couldn't reach the sink. 'Maybe I can...' Clay concentrated on his magic and he got the plate, fork, and cup into the sink. 'Maybe I can clean them as well, I remember mommy doing it with her magic.' Using his magic, he got a sponge and turned on the water to clean his dishes. 'I'm getting better. Last time I tried to do this with my clothes, they ripped.' 

When Clay finished, he left the dishes on the counter since he didn't know where they went. Then he walked out and went back to his room. After eating all that warm food, a glass of milk, and using his magic to clean his dishes, he felt sleepy. He got in his bed and immediately passed out.

Meanwhile, Merlok was watching him from the cameras and was doing so the whole time. Needless to say, he was impressed that Clay could successfully use his magic without a wand. But he also wondered why and how he could do it without a wand? Not even himself nor his mother could do that at his age. Was... was this why Wanda never told him about his nephew?

Merlok wasn't sure but one thing is for sure, his sister was trying to protect Clay, but the main question is, was she trying to protect him from himself or someone else?

HAHAHA! I'm evil, I know. Leaving this on a cliffhanger but oh, well. Hope Y'all enjoy this chapter and I will see y'all next time. :) PS, things will get crazier next time as they watch Clay.

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